Chapter 10 : Running from trouble.

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Mark came rushing in his hair tasseled, a worried look on his face and a pen in one hand.
"Baby." He ran up to me grabbing me and pulling me into a hug showering my cheeks with kisses.
I pulled away as the overwhelming smell of perfume hit my nose.
"Wait." I looked him up and down taking in the torn shirt. "What happened to you ?"
He sighed putting down the pen.
"This girl the moment she set eyes on me went mental, I mean she was fine I signed her shirt and then she was like here is my number. And I was really polite I said I'm not interested I'm not single but thank you for the offer, then she lost it she gripped onto my shirt ripping it and then Todd stepped in and stopped everything and the signing had to be cancelled." He said collapsing down onto the couch.
"Sounds awful." I said comfortingly, I sat down next to him putting my arms around him as he sat there his head in his hands.

Rudy and Todd strolled back over.
"I'm sorry about what happened we've called in backup and we have got to get you two ready to be on stage in 15min." Todd said leading us over to a corridor that led of the side of the room, we walked past door after door after door.
"Wait both of us ?" I frowned what he had said finally sinking in.
"Surprise !" Mark grinned putting his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to him.
We arrived finally in front of a door labeled hall 240 "Markiplier and friends"
"Here we are, now get in there get cleaned up and let's get this show on the road we need to get you back on schedule." Todd smiled pushing us into the room.

We found ourselves behind stage where a team of helpers swarmed us changing clothes, checking up on makeup and hooking up all our microphones.
We joined up with Bob and Wade.
"Hey guys you ready ?" Wade's asked his deep voice echoing slightly around the room.
"Hell yea !" Mark grinned "This is ______. She is gonna be joining us on stage, soooo let's go."
"Hello hello hello." Mark's voice vibrated around the room as he entered the stage from the side. A loud applause followed him as did Wade and Bob.
I felt myself awkwardly stepping on stage, I slowly walked over to Mark who was clapping as I entered.

I owe all of you such a big apology for not having posted for literally months, new school, art class on weekends and relationship, friendship stuff, no good excuse just life and again I am so sorry for not having posted I swear I will get back on it. ❤️

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