Chapter 2: Saving Scotty

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Rev was pacing around the bridge the next morning, something her crew had never seen her do, stroking her lower lip, deep in thought. That was when Kirk and Spock barged in, and Rev looked up at the intrusion.

    "Do you have an answer, Commodore?"

    "Not yet, sir," Rev answered quietly, still half in thought.

    "We need those codes, Rev, Scotty could be dead!"

    "I am thinking, Kirk!"

    "Commodore Zhi'Rev--"

    "Captain Kirk!" she suddenly yelled, and her raise in volume made several of her officers flinch. She noticed this, and suddenly knew what she had to do. She really needed to get it out of her system, but she forced her volume to a strangled, deathly talk. "Captain Kirk, I understand that you are worried about Lieutenant Commander Scott. I am worried about him as well, you seem to have forgotten that I worked alongside him for nearly a year. I will always consider you my superior, Kirk, but as for right now I outrank both you and Spock, so get off my bridge!"

    She spat the last part with so much venom that Kirk fell silent immediately. Something was really wrong with Rev, and he needed to figure out to help her. Right now, however, she was giving him a look that was halfway between a plea and a glare, so he pulled Spock into the lift.

    Rev continued to pace for the next few minutes after the two left, and then stopped, staring at the turbolift door. She needed to get Scotty off that planet.  In a few moments, she knew what she was going to do, and looked around.

    "Kruse, you have the conn."


    "Do not ask questions, Kruse. I will be back in a little while."

    "Yes, Commodore."

    Rev took what could have been the last look at her bridge and entered the turbolift.

    In her room, Rev opened her wardrobe and took out her newly-issued Starfleet uniform that she was supposed to wear when she transported down to a planet. It was sturdy and all blue, and was supposed to protect her from most environmental dangers. Zipping it up, Rev tied her hair back into a high, very tight ponytail and took a deep, self-composing breath. Grabbing her scanner and phaser, Rev left her room.

    Zelos was a freezing cold, snowy planet, with no life forms. With her scanner, finding Scotty should be easy enough.

    "Please leave the room, Mr Lytle."


    "Leave the room."

    After a few moments, the transporter worker nodded and left, and Rev timed the transporter. Jumping onto the pad, Rev clenched her jaw. She needed to save Scotty. And if that got her demoted or fired, so be it.

    The planet was colder than she'd imagined. She'd transported directly into a large mound of ice, and immediately slipped and fell to the bottom. Groaning, Rev stood unsteadily and took out her scanner, squinting to read it against the strong, biting winds. Slowly, Rev made her way towards Scotty's heartbeat.

    Scotty was further than she'd hoped, but in a few hours she'd come into a few-mile-radius of him, and had to dig through the snow to find him. He hadn't moved in over an hour, and she desperately hoped she wasn't too late. His heart was still beating, but he could be frozen or near-death.

    Eventually, Rev noticed the change in color, dark brown against the white snow, and sprinted towards it. Bending down, the Commodore noticed that Scotty had dug himself a small hole in the snow and was burrowed in it, shivering like she'd never seen anyone shiver before. Bending down to stick her head in the opening, Rev yelled,

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