Chapter 8: Jealousy

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Rev was in the sciences department for the rest of the day, and she had been thinking about her relationship with Kirk for a while. What was it? They'd gone on a date, he'd kissed her, but what did that mean? This isn't what happened on Vulcan. Relationships in general didn't really happen on Vulcan, you were just assigned to a person. She'd had Dvir, and she still kept in touch with him, but they'd gotten divorced ages ago. She wasn't really sure what a relationship was supposed to be. She didn't know what to do.

When her shift was over, she heaved herself out of her chair and headed to the lift. She got off at the bridge, sticking her head out.

"Captain, may I talk to you for a moment? I believe your shift has ended."

Kirk turned around in his seat, then checked the time, then nodded and gave Spock the conn.

"Where are we going?" asked Kirk, when he'd entered the lift. Rev folded her hands behind her back, rocking onto her heels.

"I want to show you something."

Kirk's eyebrows raised. Rev ignored him, but couldn't ignore the look he gave her when they got off at her room's level. As she opened her door, he looked like he was about to say something, so she shut him down immediately.

"No, Jim, we are not going to sleep with each other."

He gave her a look and winked, and she rolled her eyes and led him into her room.

"Lay down," she said, pointing at her bed, and he stared at her. She stared back. "Just do it. You'll like it, I promise."

"What are you doing?" Kirk asked, eyes narrowing, as he sat down. Rev gave him a Vulcan-equivalent of a smile.

"You've seen this, but I don't believe you've ever experienced it," she said. "Lay down."

With a suspicious look, Kirk laid back on her bed and pulled his legs up so he was flat. Rev sat down on the chair next to him, and pressed the button. The anti-gravity feature turned on, and Kirk audibly gasped as he was lifted off the bed and into the air. He turned to her, his expression one of wonder and amazement, and it made Rev actually smile. He seemed amazed by that, too, and laughed. Slowly, he flipped himself backwards and over himself again, flipping endlessly. Finally regaining her semi-emotionless posture, and stood up, leaning down and tumbling into the anti-gravity next to Kirk, floating up next to him.

"Strangely calming, is it not?"

Kirk stopped flipping, falling flat next to her in the air. He seemed to gaze, then smiled lovingly and stared at back at the ceiling.

"Will you go out with me?"

Rev frowned.

"I... I already have, Captain--"

She was cut off by Kirk laughing, exasperatedly.

"No, no, Rev. Will you be my girlfriend?"

She paused, caught off guard. Kirk seemed nervous for a moment, but then Rev turned to him and smiled a genuine-- for a Vulcan-- smile.

"Yes," she said, her voice quiet. "I will."

Rev sighed, happy, and closed her eyes.

Rev woke up first. She had a sort of timer in her brain, automatically waking up within a few minutes of the same time every day. She changed her uniform, pulling a tight black undershirt on first before pulling on her blue-and-black uniform. She didn't have to be awake for a while, and neither did Kirk, so she decided to let him sleep while she got herself some breakfast.

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