Chapter 11: Home

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She didn't sleep a wink, and an hour later, the tube finally fell silent and the bottom slid open. Slowly, Rev slid herself out of the tube and onto the cold marble ground, feeling very warm in comparison to the stark room.

She placed the pad Istak gave her on her closet, and it whizzed open. She pulled out the first dark outfit she saw; a pair of black pants and a black top with a golden zipper that reminded her sort of of a formal Starfleet uniform. She pulled on a pair of black and gold mechanical boots that were surprisingly comfortable and somehow allowed her to move faster than she thought she could; she wasn't sure if she trusted them, but they'd work for now. She pulled her hair back and pinned it up with the boomerang-weapon, and slowly left the room.

She followed the instructions Istak gave her, and entered the room. The room was dark, but like every other room, lit with a faint blue glow that seemed to radiate from every machine. Slowly, she crept into the room, completely silently due to her special shoes. Why would they give her access to such shoes?

She walked around the dim room, then, weighing her options, opened the drawer most likely to hold her communicators. It didn't. But it did hold some medical tapes.

She grabbed one that held the lung procedure, as well as several others that seemed like they could be medical breakthroughs in the Federation, then kept looking for her communicators.

There was one reasonable drawer left. It must be that one. Before she could open it, however, there was a loud noise, and she whipped around.

"You need to come with us," said Luna, all friendliness gone from her face, as she aimed a weapon at Rev. The Vulcan moved her hand gently behind her, reaching slowly upwards with her other hand as if to surrender, and yanked out the boomerang and threw it at the same time as she opened the drawer and pulled out her communicator and flipped it open.

Before she could push any button, one of their phaser-like beams shot into the wall next to her head, and she shoved her communicator into her pocket and caught the boomerang as it circled back, throwing it again at Luna.

One of the men with Luna grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back, shoving her forwards despite her protests. She had her communicator, though, and it didn't look like they'd seen her take it.

She was walked into the tube room, and thrown against the far wall. She hadn't noticed before, but one of the bubbling chemical tubes had Zhi'Rev written on the plaque at the bottom. She refused to acknowledge it, and slid up the wall, kicking the man in the chest as he advanced towards her. Reaching into her pocket, she fumbled for her communicator and flipped it open behind her. She pushed the panic button, then kicked out in front of her again.

"Rev?" came a crackly voice, and Rev ducked as the man punched at her.

"Beam me up, Captain," she said urgently, and she was gone before anyone could get to her.

She collapsed when she got onto the transporter room, truly finding it hard to breathe, but managed to catch her breath. Kirk and Spock were in the room before she could get up.

"Rev?" he shouted, running to her. "What did they do to you? It's been three days!"

Three days? They said a week! Another lie.

She shook her head and looked up.

"They're performing experiments on aliens. I don't know why, but there are so many people under experimentation right now. We need to inform Starfleet."

"Okay, okay," Kirk said, pulling her up from under her arms.

"Are you alright, Zhi'Rev?" Spock asked, and Rev nodded.

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