Chapter 9: Drunk

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The next day was not a particularly special day for Rev, but it seemed to be for Kirk. She got off her bridge shift at six with Kirk, and she went to her room to relax before dinner when Kirk knocked on her door.

"Jim? Is everything okay?"

Kirk walked in, holding something behind his back.

"Well, on Earth it's Valentine's Day, and I got you a gift--" he pulled out a heart-shape box and handed it to her. She frowned, pulling the top off, and was greeted with a row of different shaped chocolates. She couldn't eat chocolate, but apparently Kirk didn't know that.

"I don't think-- thank you, Jim, but--"

"Go on, I'm sure you'll like them. I know you don't have chocolate on Vulcan, but I think you'll like it."

She didn't want to be rude. Slowly, she pulled the most appetizing, least-chocolate-looking piece-- a bright pink, heart-shaped one-- and took a bite. Immediately, she felt the effect, and-- whoops-- just like that, her logic was out the window. She shoved the rest of the chocolate piece in her mouth.

"Pretty good, right?" Kirk said, smiling, and then he frowned as she smiled. Her brain had gone fuzzy, and she immediately shoved a few more pieces in her mouth, and laughed.

"I should eat chocolate more often," she said, and giggled. Kirk's eyes widened, and he immediately took the box away from her and grabbed her.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" she said, but even she knew something was wrong. "I want more chocolate!"

"No," Kirk said, and grabbed her by the arm. "No, we're going to Sickbay, something is wrong."

She pouted, dragging her feet, and eventually he grabbed her under the arms and dragged her down the hallway, despite her protests.

"Jim, what did you do to her!?" McCoy said, as soon as they walked in. Rev pouted.

"Nothing! You're very rude, you know? Why are you so mean to your friends?" She craned her neck to look at Kirk. "Can I have more chocolate now?"

"You gave her chocolate!?" McCoy yelled, and grabbed Rev from Kirk and pulled her onto a bed, hooking her up to take her statistics. "She's drunk, Jim!"

"But alcohol doesn't have an effect on Vulcans, right? We didn't even have alcohol."

"Chocolate has the same effect on Vulcans that alcohol has on humans, except much less makes them much more drunk."

Rev was trying to get off the bed, and was incredibly annoyed and confused when McCoy kept pushing her back.

"Transporter Room to Captain Kirk."

"Kirk here," he said, annoyed.

"We need your help in the Transporter Room."

"I'll be right down." He turned to McCoy. "Just-- can you calm her down? I'll be back eventually."

McCoy glared at him.

"I'm a Doctor, not a caretaker."

Kirk ignored him, and ran from the room.

It had been about ten minutes before she felt like something was wrong. Not with herself, but with something else... Kirk? Slowly, she stood up from the bed, fell directly into McCoy, and dragged him to the door.

"Rev, you have to get back to bed--"

"No, something is wrong with Kirk," she mumbled, and shook McCoy off when he tried to drag her back, then broke into a wobbly run.

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