Chapter 3: Demotion

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Back on the ABSOLUTION, Rev took her seat on the bridge. She had not put on her uniform, so was still only wearing her black undershirt, but she supposed that, if she was getting fired, it wouldn't matter anyway. Crossing her legs, she said,

"Main line."

And the stern face of Admiral Provost, who had been the one promoted her from Lieutenant Commander to Commander, sitting in front of her.

"Commodore Zhi'Rev--"

"Before you say anything, sir, I would like you to know that it was nobody's plan except mine. I ordered my officers to look the other way. I, and I alone, transported to the planet to save Lieutenant Commander Scott. No one, not my crew, not the ENTERPRISE's crew, should be punished for this, except me. Sir."

The Admiral regarded the Commodore with interest.

"You admit to beaming to a planet against Starfleet's orders?"

"Yes, sir, but technically you only forbid me from handing classified codes over to the ENTERPRISE, not from using them myself."

The Admiral chuckled at Rev's logic.

"Still, Commodore, you should have thought of the consequences."

"I did, sir. I simply thought Scott deserved to live, sir."

"That is why you did it?"


"You were not... pressured into beaming down?"

"No, sir."

"Are you sure, Commodore?"

"Vulcans do not lie, sir."

He seemed to forget that she wasn't completely Vulcan, because technically she had been pressured, so she was technically lying, but she had wanted to save Scotty. Admiral Provost took a deep breath, and clenched his hands together.

"Well. Commodore Zhi'Rev, it is with great regret that I must inform you that Starfleet has decided to demote you to Commander."

Rev had frozen, and so had the rest of her crew. Nothing showed on her face, not anger, not sadness, nothing.

"You are one of the best commanding officers in Starfleet, Miss Zhi'Rev, so they have also decided that, if you behave, you can apply for promotion in three years."

Rev had still not moved, not one inch, so the Admiral continued.

"I like you, Miss Zhi'Rev. I respect your ethics. So it is for that reason, and that reason only, that I am stationing you aboard the USS ENTERPRISE."

Everyone was staring at Rev, expecting her to be furious. What they had not expected, however, was laughter. Which was exactly what happened. Rev's face broke out in a huge, uncontrollable grin, and she began to laugh. No one had ever seen her laugh so hard before, no one had even seen her laugh before; she was bent over in her chair, clutching her stomach, laughing like she'd never laughed before, (and it was likely she never had).

After several moments, Rev composed herself as well as she could, and nodded, still trying to hold back laughter unsuccessfully.

"Yes-- yes, sir. I will report there immediately."

The Admiral chuckled before signing off, and Rev stood up, biting her cheeks until she stopped laughing.


"Y- yes, Commo-- Commander?"

Rev nearly laughed again at Commander.

"It is with great pride that I announce you Captain of the USS ABSOLUTION."

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