Episode 4: Forsaken

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[A Few moments Earlier]

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[A Few moments Earlier]

"Rosalba," Setsuko said, knocking repeatedly on the door. "Hey, open up. You shouldn't lock yourself up. Listen! I want to help you. Tetsuya is already getting the punishment that he deserves."

"Leave me alone!" she shrieked like some vengeful spirit.

I sighed and pushed Setsuko out of the way.

"Open up," I yelled, knocking the door with both my fists. No one responded. "Stand aside, princess."

Setsuko stepped back further as I reverted my silver bracelet into its sword form. A cold breeze hit me as soon as the door fell apart. Or better yet, shattered.

The furniture in the room was overturned, glass littered the floor. There were markings on the wall as if someone had rammed it with a shield. Next to the markings were blood splats, including next to the doorway itself.

I ran toward the open window and saw Rosalba staring down at the blurry surface. Turning around, she leaned back and allowed the cruel mistress of gravity to take her.

"Second princess!" I yelled, activating my wings and leaping over the rail. The wind lashed out against my closed wings but I didn't let that slow me down. If I saved the princess then I would be heavily rewarded, after all she seemed to be the King's favorite.

Rosalba's eyes widened as my arms curled around her waist.

"You idiot! Don't destroy your life!"

Her eyes were deep red, nearly crimson. The wounds on her body were covered up in wrappings. The attacker was a beast, not a person. Even if he did have the form of one.

She pressed her head against my chest in shock. "Why did you save me?"

I opened my wings to slow down our descent. "Because..." I tried to think of something that Kohri would say if he were in this situation. "Because you have a long life to live. I know that what happened to you has left a scar. While the physical wounds might heal, the mental would might never heal completely. Yet, giving up on life would be surrendering on the chance of renewal."

She let out of muffled whimper. "I... I want him to pay. I want that scumbag to rot. I want to kill him with my own two hands!"

I stroked her hair gently. "He's currently in the dungeon. I'll take you to see him, but if you want revenge, you got to be strong. If you need support, know that your sister and I are here for you."

She gazed up at me and her eyes were filled with terror. She pushed me away as she unleashed her own wings. "Get... away..." She cried into her hands. "Sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"It's no big deal," I said, rubbing my chest. She was strong for such a scrawny girl. "Let's go see him, that scumbag. That's if you're ready. If you aren't, then don't force yourself to do it."

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