Episode 18: Realm of Magic

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We made our way down the tower with our hands up, well at least Tetsuya and I

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We made our way down the tower with our hands up, well at least Tetsuya and I. Serrano held onto Ximena for support.

A mage wearing a red cloak emerged from the ring of black cloaked mages. The mage removed the hood of their cloak, revealing the face of a white-haired woman with deep red eyes. On her head were fox ears.

A Kyuu-Hyakuian?

"Are you four spies from Mina?" she asked, projecting her voice far and wide. I could tell by the way she spoke that she wasn't a simple soldier.

"Mina? So we are in Xeleria after all," Tetsuya said. "That's where some of the materials making up our weapons are from. Wait, are we close to Xian? I need to get some wood from there to fix my shield."

The mages stared at his shield, specifically the green core. "You're not from this world," the woman said. "Are you from Wynaga? No, your style of dress is closer to that of the angels. Are you of mixed blood?"

"We're from Zionia," Serrano responded. "Though Ximena here does carry the blood of your people."

I stared at Ximena with awe as her ears vanished only to be replace by a pair of green cat ears.

These idiots, they were giving too much away!

The woman laughed. "You're awfully truthful, for members from the Angelic realm." She walked over to Serrano. She lightly touched his forehead. Crimson prana flowed out of her hand and followed across Serra's body. "Don't be afraid, you'll be fixed soon."

Serrano moved his body with ease once the light died down. He bowed slightly. "Thank you, wise lady."

"Butt kisser," Tetsuya mumbled as he averted his gaze.

Serrano shot him a dirty look.

I took a deep breath. I needed to have a serious talk with those two soon.

The lady laughed. "My, what interesting youths."

"Mommy!" a boy yelled. A red haired boy around the age of six ran up to the woman. He held the hand of a white-haired boy who greatly resembled the woman.

"Mother," the white-haired boy called out. "Who are these people?"

"They're from the realm of the Angels. The same beings that captured and tortured our kind during the first inter-dimensional war."

The red haired boy picked up a rock and threw it at us. Serrano used his power to send it falling into the ground in front of him. "Bad people, stay away!" the boy yelled.

"Well, these four appear to be somewhat trustworthy. That girl over there is even from our clan as you can see."

Ximena smiled and waved. "Yup! I'm of the second branch!"

"Though the brown haired girl has remained quiet. Girl, tell me, where exactly are you from?" the lady asked.

I had to gain her trust like the boys and Ximena did.

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