Episode 6: Girl of Forgotten Memories

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"Save..." the voice I had heard before echoed in my head. It was that girl's voice... What was her name again? Y... something.

"Save you?" I called back. "From what?"

"Save... me, Mister," the voice responded before fading.

My golden eyes opened slowly. There was no one with me as the rays of the sun filtered through the tent. I sat up and ruffled my wavy hair.

"Why does that voice keep calling out for me?" I sighed and turned to the side. "It doesn't matter. I got to focus on finding a new member for my group first."


After several hours of searching, I headed for Crystal Tower park. I recalled having seen a few people spar out in the open when I went there with Rosalba and the others. I snickered slightly. That now felt like a lifetime ago. Would things ever return to the way that they were back then?

As soon as I arrived at my destination, I spotted a pair of girls sparring, one of them had incredible reflexes. She was able to dodge the other girl's super fast attacks with relative ease. In fact, her movements were almost as good as my own.

"Alright, I give!" the other said, raising a hand out.

The super fast girl smiled at the purple haired girl. "Yes! I am looking forward to my five star meal."

"Five star?" the purple haired girl yelled as she stood up. "You know, I don't have that kind of money."

I couldn't help but snicker at their interaction. Something about it reminded me of the banter between Serra and me... Serra, what was he doing at this time?

I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to think about that. Yet...

I walked over to the fast girl and bowed slightly.

"Please join my group!" I yelled.

"Huh?" the two girls said.

Uh, that was probably the wrong move.

"Ah sorry. You see, I'm a knight..."

"Wait, you're that guy aren't you? Tetsuya," the purple haired girl said, backing away. "Hey, this guy might be good looking but it's best that we stay away from him. You heard about what happened to the princess, right? This guy is the one who did it."

"What? He is? Stay away, you creep," a girl said, slapping the air in front of her as if I were some fly. The two ran off as fast as they could.

I sighed. It had been another wasted day. I had even stooped as low as to beg, but obviously that hadn't worked. Everyone truly believed that I was a monster...

Was that what that guy meant when he said that he was the 'dark side of me'? He had already planned to frame me from the very start. To make it seem that within me was a monster. Rosalba... how is she right now? Setsuko had been sent by her to bring me food, so I assume that she's fine.

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