Chapter Eight: Call It Love and Devotion

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Okay I know I said this would be a long chapter last time, but I have a little bit of writer's block for yeah. Sorry lol.

     Avi stared at me, clearly pleased at my statement.

     "Okay," I had breathed softly.

     "You can be a father to Elliot," I sighed, as Avi gleefully smiled.

     "But," I held my hands up, as if to warn him. "You can't immediately tell my baby that you're his father. I've never mentioned you at all; I don't know what would happen if you instantly told him."

     "Of course," Avi nodded. "I would need to have a good bond with him, before I tell him anything else."

     And that was what we agreed on. Avi and Elliot could have father-son times (though, of course, Elliot had no clue that Avi was his dad).

I glanced at Avi again. He was brimming with pure happiness and satisfaction- and I grew annoyed by the second. He was ruining everything; why did he have to be here? Why did he have to find me, find Elliot, and destroy our jubilant lives?

Yet, I still agreed to this, because I knew Elliot needed a fatherly figure in his life- and Jeremy was nowhere close to a fatherly figure, or an uncle figure either.

I had to do it. I couldn't let Elliot suffer a fatherless life. Even, if I initially wanted it that way.

     As long as Avi didn't take Elliot away from me, I was fine with this. Well...I pretended to be fine anyways.

     "You'we a thinguh?" Elliot raised his eyebrows at Avi's statement.

     "Yup, I sing for a living. Do I not look like a singer?" Avi laughed, as I bit my lip, hoping he wouldn't spoil too much about the past.

     "No, you look lika fawmah oh a cowboy," Elliot pointed to Avi's typical flannel, as I joined in the giggling.

     "I'd say more of a lumberjack of a farmer," I remarked, as Avi superfrowned, causing Elliot to superfrown with him.

     It was oddly the cutest thing I had ever seen, and with a life with Elliot, I've seen a lot of cute things.

     "Supahfwon attack!" Elliot hollered, as Avi chuckled in agreement.

"I like you! You'we funny!"

     "Thanks kiddo, I lo-like you too!" Avi mumbled, as I glared at him.

     He couldn't tell my baby that he loves him yet. They both only just met each other!

     Avi glanced down, staring at his watch.

     "Dam-darn it!" Avi suddenly intoned, as I furrowed my eyebrows.

     "Kirst, what day is it?"

     Um, that's a random question, Kaplan.

      "Tuesday. Why?" I asked, as he instantly turned pale.

"I'm late to my own concert, oh my goodness!" Avi panicked, as I gulped.

Well crap. That's definitely not good.

"And, I don't have a car. I came with the trolley. And Miami traffic sucks and the show starts at 8:00, and it's 7:30 right now! And my phone's dead so I can't tell Esther, Kevin, Scott, or Mitch to tell everyone. I'm doomed," Avi paced around the room anxiously.

     "Woah, woah, woah. Kaplan, calm down. We'll get there in time. I've lived here for six years of my life, I know this place like the back of my hand. We'll go through the metro- it's way faster. There's a station right by the American Airlines Arena, and obviously security will know who you are and let you in," I waved my hands in front of his face, as he took a deep breath.

     "Okay...wait you're coming too?" Avi questioned, as I smirked.

     "We're coming," I gestured to Elliot, still sitting on the couch, too. "I haven't been to a PTX concert in years! Good opportunity for Elliot to come see one of my favorite bands! Besides, I can't leave a helpless tourist running all over the place in a city like this."

     "Helpless tourist?" Avi frowned, as Elliot and I ran out the door.

     "Yes! Now, c'mon slowpoke!" ***********************************

     As I suspected, we arrived just in time outside the gates. It was 7:50, so Avi needed to get ready fast.

     We waited out in the heat, as two security guards finally came. One of them appeared to be Austin- but he didn't recognize me, because I was wearing zilch makeup and my baseball cap somewhat covered my face. He didn't seem to recognize Avi either, but that's because Avi was wearing a literal hoodie (first off, how could he in this humidity? I'd be melting right now if I did).

     "Hey, you guys have to wait in line, like the rest," Austin pointed to the long line of Pentaholics wearing their merchandise (we...I mean PTX has the best fanbase).

     "Austin, c'mon. You can't let me sweat to death," Avi stated, as Austin groaned.

     "Avi, where the heck were you? And who's that?" Austin shook his head at Avi.

     "Just some close friends," I uttered quickly, as Austin opened the gates, letting us in.

     As we walked inside, Austin and he other guard continued to gaze at me, probably wondering who I was.

     In the dressing hall, Esther was pacing back and forth, Darien comforting her, repeating, "He'll make it, he'll make it!"

     "I made it," Avi intoned, as Esther scowled.

     "Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, where the he-"

     Esther stopped all of a sudden, her eyes glaring at me and Elliot.

     "Kirstin Freaking Taylor Maldonado!!!" Esther shrieked, as everyone gasped at me.

     "Hi..." I waved awkwardly, still holding Elliot's little hand.

     My baby dragon was probably so confused, but not as confused as the crew right now.

     Icy silence blanketed the air, as everyone scrutinized me, as if I was simply a dream, that this couldn't be happening.

     "By the way, the last name's Lewis now," I stupidly said, trying to make small talk.

     "OhmyfreakingGod!" Esther cried again, her hands covering her surprised mouth.

     "I agree," I bit my lip.

     Well, this was awkward.

Hope you enjoyed this somewhat! This was written quickly today, so sorry if it sucks! Have a great day/night and goodbye for now!

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