Chapter Fifteen: Outside Part 2 (Same Update Since WattPad is Stupid)

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So WattPad isn't showing this chapter, so here it is once more lol. Hopefully it will work but if it won't then welp.







     Scratching at the doorknob, I twisted the door open roughly, screaming, "What the hell do you want?!"

     "Kirst, it's just me," Jeremy's head peeked out from the hall, as I sighed, "Sorry," allowing him in.

     Closing the door behind me, I collapsed onto the couch, massaging my temple vigorously.

     "Where's Elliot?" Jeremy asked in a concerned manner, as I sighed again.

     "Watching How To Train Your Dragon 2. Earlier, he was so terrified that I made him watch a movie. Hopefully it will ease his brain," I explained, running my fingers through my messy blonde locks.

     "I'm so sorry that had to happen to you," Jeremy patted my thigh, as I nodded.

     "I'm sorry that I believed that jerk wouldn't do this crap to me! To his own freaking son!" I muttered, closing my eyes.

     Even as the paparazzi had gone, the swords of statements and the thunderous sounds remained, attacking my soul, as my heart continued to race.

I exhaled deeply, the sensation of choking within this wretched world overwhelming me, the sensation of drowning in my own devastation reminding me of my past.

Jeremy brought me closer to him, bringing me to lean my head onto his cushiony shoulder, as I rested atop him. I stifled the sob crawling up my throat, tears forcing their way out of me.

     "Kirst, we need to go on with the plan. We need to go on, after all that Avi has done to you. We can't let you, or Elliot ever get hurt again," Jeremy's words echoed through my mind, as I nodded.

"Thanks," I finally intoned, smiling weakly at him. "Thanks for always being there for me, Jeremy. I couldn't have a better friend."

Jeremy gulped, although nodding in turn, "Of course."

I breathed once more, turning my head to face him, grinning, "Let's begin the plan."

Oh, Avi Kaplan, after everything you put me through, you're going to discover what you've done. What you've caused to yourself.

"The end," I read, as Elliot superfrowned at me.

"That wath the motht bohwing stowy eveh!" Elliot grumbled, as I chuckled, kissing the top of his head.

"Because it ended happily?" I laughed, as Elliot shook his head.

"Becauthe the dwagon wath only thewe foh one pawt of the stowy," Elliot stated, pointing to the small paragraph conveying the mighty serpent soaring through the air momentarily.

"Can we wead anotheh stowy?" Elliot inquired, his eyes widening with excitement.

"Not tonight, baby dragon," I answered, knowing that Elliot had to go to sleep after recalling the day's events. The constant trill of the doorbell, the tapping of the door, blanketed over us, meaning I had to focus on getting rid of Avi, so that we could continue our lives in peace.

"Okay," Elliot yawned, turning on his side, as I beamed, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mommy," Elliot responded, his voice drifting off, as he began to doze off into the magical realm of dreams.

Sitting up on the bed, I sat there for a few minutes, until I knew he was surely sleeping, leaving the bedroom once he was.

Pacing around the halls, I glared at the ticking clock. It was 4 am- way past Elliot's bedtime, way past my own too.

     Ambling to the balcony, I slid the glass door open, stepping out into the ebony view. The stars barely shone, as usual, replaced by the glittering city lights, the horizon replaced by the stretch of surging black waves and the streets.

     I gazed at the view, glancing over to the side where the Mandarin Hotel was, where that bastard stayed.

     He lied to me, lied to us. He promised he wouldn't tell the paparazzi, promise he'd keep Elliot safe. Lies. All he did was lie to me.

     And he said he loved me. Lies. All lies.

     I had to show him what it feels like. Feels like to sustain through so much pain, then to fall over when all your strength is gone. To reach rock bottom, even after all the great work, even after all the obstacles you've pushed through to make sure you and your kid have a good life.

     He ruined his chances; now, he could never get it back.

Short chapter, I know. I can promise you that the chapter after the next one will be longer though. Also sorry for the long wait, I am writing but my issues, including of writer's block, lack of time since school and other activities, and inability to focus on writing just one thing (I have more story ideas that I really want to write but won't publish anytime s**n), cause me to struggle with updates. I apologize deeply.

Also, this book will end s** in like Chapter 21 is the last chapter, before the epilogue of course. I'm making a one-shot book for this universe of Attention and Rockabye- most will be Rockabye one-shots because tbh I hated Attention since the writing looks really bad and rushed. Rockabye seems better, and I adore Elliot, so there will most likely be more one-shots of Kavi and Elliot.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. This chapter just a boring filler, and he next chapter will be somewhat of another filler. The chapter after that though...welp, let's just say more drama will happen.

Have a wonderful weekend!!! I love you all! Goodbye for now!!!❤️❤️❤️

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