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i'm gonna give you all of my love•

    Avi proposed to me later that night. It wasn't as romantic as one would expect, nor as beautiful as earlier, but it was still glistening with charm and charisma, being quite memorable. I mean, anything's charming when your six-year-old is helping his father to propose correctly.

"Kirstin Taylor Maldonado," Avi had said, his voice rippling with affection.

He kneeled down, kneeled down within the park with the soaring swings and broken dreams, pulling a shimmering blue box out of his pocket.

"Tell my mommy you love her!" Elliot 'whispered' to Avi, as I gasped softly, my hand covering my lips in surprise.

"Kaplan, are you doing what I think you're doing or is this some kinda joke?" I teased, giggling although my eyes were still bright at the shock that he was actually going to propose.

"Depends on what you think I'm doing," he laughed, his emerald eyes twinkling.

Elliot jokingly batted Avi's arm, gesturing for him to continue.

"Go on," our baby dragon declared, pointing to the box.

     "Oh yeah," Avi uttered, causing me to chuckle.

His eyes glittered green in the sparkling seas of sunshine sizzling down on us, as his fingers fumbled with the box resting against the palms of his hands. Avi gazed towards my direction, his lips parting as he sighed peacefully, sighed before he started:

     "Kirstin Taylor Maldonado. You constantly steal my heart even when I attempt to get away from you, even when you don't mean to take it away from me. Right before me is a beautiful, strong, independent woman, a woman who grew greatly since the first time I laid eyes on her. We've had our battles, our differences, our flames of fights burning away our past and the possibility of a future. And we've both changed. But our love has never died, even when our souls were apart, on two opposing sides. We were drawn together, like the north and south pole of a magnet, drawn together by the attracting force of our affection. Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, I don't think you need me to tell you how much I love you. The millions of stars and countless galaxies eventually reach a number that is too little to express my love for you. So instead, rather than wasting words and amounts on conveying all the fiery emotions I feel for you, here I have a ring. If you accept it, our souls will never again be apart, never again be nothing more than one single heart. Love, will you marry me?"

Waterfalls of words trickled out of my mouth, similar to a rushing river, as I breathed and nodded before I could comprehend what was going on. All I knew was that I loved him, loved Avriel Kaplan, loved my baby dragon, loved my Elliot, loved them both, loved the ones who brought light to my life, and that I would do anything to spend the rest of my days with them.

So I said, "yes." I accepted his proposal in the park where my dreams had once been broken but were now being set free, set free and flying towards where the soaring swings had let me be.

I said "yes," as our lips met and our arms embraced each other, and we hugged and snuggled with Elliot right by our side, and all we knew was that life would continue to be good as long as we had each other, together forever.

you're going to grow and have a good life•

We ended up leaving Miami the day after. For even after it had done good to us, our memories would continue to thrive and new pathways were waiting for us. Plus, Elliot and I were joining Avi on Pentatonix tour; what could be more fun than that?

Tour was amazing, and what was even more amazing was that they let me sing with them again, and they even arranged a new song in which they wanted me to be lead in. Every night, every show was absolutely incredible, even as there were still fans annoyed at me. But I didn't care. There were too many real fans grateful for the group and excited for me to be back to care about those who despised me. I've come to learn that you'll never get rid of the hate; it will only grow as a withering weed along with the flourishing flowers of love.

Not to mention that excitement continued every day! Scömìche had a fashion show for their universal clothing brand SCÖMÌCHE (what else would it be called haha?), and with the help of Scott, Mitch, and Esther, we forced Avi and Kevin to model on the runaway. Honestly one of the most hilarious experiences within my life. And Kevin found a (mystery) girlfriend during our way to D.C.- for some reason he won't tell us who it is.

    And quite a few months afterwards, I had discovered that Jeremy Lewis was imprisoned for attempting rape on twenty waitresses in the past eight years. Lilly had called and told me that after me, she had the last straw and phoned the police on him.

    Thankfully, it had seemed that everyone had gotten what they had deserved.

And in the end, I realized that no matter what you go through, no matter the struggles within your life, internal or external, if you work hard, you'll never lose the ones you love.

so rockabye baby rockabye, i'm gonna rock you; rockabye baby, don't you cry, somebody's got you; rockabye baby rockabye...•

Bright lights flashed as the crowd cheered while tears marked my face, happiness and joy finally painting onto my life. I glanced to the side, smiling at Avi beaming affectionately at me and Elliot who ran across from backstage to hug me.

And I knew: God I'll never cry, never be alone in this world ever again.

So rockabye...

This is the end. I'm actually tearing up, thank you again for reading this book, thank you again for giving it 4K and voting and commenting and giving this book so much love and support! Y'all are honestly the best and it's been a joy writing this! I love y'all so so much and if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't even writing on WattPad at all. Have a wonderful day/night and I hope you enjoyed this book! Be on the lookout for the  Attention/Rockabye One-Shot book coming #sOON! I love y'all so much, and goodbye loves!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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