3 Two Lonely Souls

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POV Elsa

“Why me?” My voice is small and broken. My hands cover my crying face which I then buried to my knees. Life that I have been living hasn’t really been a life. All the time I have had tried to keep my curse a secret and barely managed in that.  Me and my sister haven’t had much time together for eight years which I have already spent in my isolation.

The funeral was over. My parents never came back from the visit to another kingdom. They promised to me that they would come back. They didn’t, they left me handle this all alone. No one found their bodies since their ship sank.

My sister has been knocking the door uncountable times today. She needs me but I can’t go to her, I might hurt her and then everyone would be gone. I lift my head up and watch the room that has been covered in thick layer of ice that has ascended from me. I sigh since my control has again failed and hear when my sister stands up other side of the door. We both had the same way to lean the door while we felt hurt.

Slowly the ice starts to melt from the heat that comes from outside of my room. The castle feels hotter today since there are thousands of candles lit to honor the lost king and queen, our father and mother. I stand up and go to my dressing table. My hands remove the black bow that was decorating my head. Even though I am just sixteen my expression looks like someone who has been through much which is true.

My eyes are pink and swollen from crying when I look my reflection at dressing table’s mirror. Bed seems really desirable at this moment and I decide to go to get some sleep even if it is just early evening. I want this day to be over soon.

When I walked to my bed I heard a thump. A single book had fallen from bookshelf. It was covered in dust which I tried to blow away. There was still too much dust to see what book it was. I made my way to my bed and sat on it. Book was resting on my lap and with my right hand I wiped the dust away with single stroke.

It was a book that I have seen before. A blue book with snowflake decorations.  I took a deep breath and opened the cover. “Please be real and come to lift this curse away. –Elsa.” I read the text on the books first page aloud. I had written it when I was ten years old. Unfortunately I believed in fairytales then and there was no Jack Frost who could have helped me now or then.

“Foolish girl.” I smile to myself and laughed to myself for being silly. “Even if he was real he never came. “ I close the books cover and place the book back at shelf. Then I see a picture with my father and mother on the wall and run back to my bed.  My head buries to pillow and I let all my sorrow flood on it.

POV Jack

Darkness brings fear, fun brings joy. Those are the things I’ve learned within these 10 years as the Spirit of Winter. It has been just over ten years since I was lifted from under the ice. The night was cold then but moon was smiling at me. Then I get to speak with the man in the moon, “Manny”.

Manny told me that my name is Jack Frost, that was all he ever told me. I had to find out who I am by myself, thanks a lot Manny. Just over a year ago I was alone and frosting various places in the world. That was until I was kidnapped by two yetis and the Easter bunny. Yeah, they are real alright! So was the sack which they forced me into.

One year ago we managed to teach Pitch a lesson. It wasn’t the only thing that happened. My eyes wander back to look at the night sky. It is full moon but Manny isn’t speaking to me. Again I feel alone even though I have the other guardians. Didn’t I mention it? I am a Guardian, Guardian of Fun to be exact. 

However fun wasn’t on my mind now. Slowly I turned my head and turned around, I wasn’t feeling like I would want to watch the moon tonight or Sandy’s dream show which was on at the meantime. My head was covered with my hoodie’s hood. “Who am I?”

My hand was inside of my hoodie’s pocket and carefully examining a cold golden object that has been with me almost a year now. Tooth gave it to me. It was a tube that contains my memories, my childhood teeth. When Pitch was trying to control the children with fear I came in knowledge of Tooth’s special power. She holds the memories of children and can get them to them if they need those memories some time.

I sat on nearby chimney, it felt warm since someone had just turned it off. People heated their homes because of me, well I guess that happens when winter is just around the corner. I chuckled to my fast thinking and then pulled the tube at my sight.

The only thing I know besides being Jack Frost and Guardian of Fun is the fact how I ended up like this. The memory tube showed me fast images from my childhood but then take it’s time to show me one precise memory. The memory of me rescuing a little girl.

The memory was however somehow worn out since I couldn’t hear what me or that girl were talking about. She seemed scared and obviously I tried to calm her down. At the time she was on thin ice and looked scared but I managed to save her. Before I fell under the ice I saw the girl smile once, her blue eyes were shining and her platinum blonde hair was almost dancing during the time when she got swung by me to other side of the ice.

Next the memory show me how I was drowning and then rise again. My appearance changed to paler skin and my brown hair and eyes turned to something else. I flew to ground and check my image from frozen window screen. “Yeah..as blue as they get and white as snow.” I sighed while watching my blue eyes watching me back and my messy hair that moved when the wind blew through it.

My throat feels a lump that I try to swallow. Even though I know that I am a guardian and the Spirit of Winter I want to know more. Sure I am the source of fun also but I want to know more after seeing that memory. Who was I before I became Jack Frost. The other thing was how I will be able to figure that out.

The little girl might be the key to resolution. I have been searching her for few months but it is a hard task since I don’t remember where we met or what her name was. I just remember what she looked like because of the memory. I lift the tube and examine it, there is picture of me when I was a child with brown hair and eyes. I smile since Tooth has captured my usual smirk on the photo. The tube shines in moon light and has been decorated with different colored stones and patterns.

My fingers move across the tubes surface and memories fill my mind. I see myself fooling around with other children, making pranks – no wonder North told me that I was an on/off person on the naughty list. Then the memory with the girl starts to show. She was so scared… I hope she is doing alright now. I need to find her, she might know who I am.

A golden dolphin starts to jump around me it is Sandy with his dream sand. He is trying to cheer me up and when he flew past me with his dream sand ray he winked his eye. I laughed and lifted the hood from my head and waved at him. He knows how to cheer me up, we have had special connection since we fought with Pitch.

“Well..  time for work I guess.” I sighed and called the wind which immediately rose me up hundred feet. Actually my work keeps me busy and not thinking about my identity of who I once was. However it also makes it difficult to search for that little girl. I hope that I will find her.

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