22 The Man at the Maple Tree

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A/N: Listen the song attached when you get to SECOND POV of Elsa!

3rd person POV

It took him three months to travel to his destination. Three long months avoiding the eyes of people, working in secret. His hate and desire to revenge have been keeping him from feeling the pain in his feet when he walked across the mountains. He is now watching at Arendelle from the nearest mountain before he makes his way down. The mountains were cold and his cheeks had frostbites but he didn’t care.

His hand is inside the pocket where he is constantly touching the tiny box that is the key to his vengeance, his vendetta. The surface of the box has smoothened because of his everyday touch. He looks like a traveler with his weather worn cape, shoes that almost fall apart. A single scarf is around his neck.

He breathes heavily since he is not used to the air pressure this low in the valley, he had been on the mountains for those three months. The air was lighter in higher ground. As he leans to his knees someone walks to him. “Are you alright mister?” A young boy with eyeglasses asks from him. He has reached a road that is going to Arendelle. “Just catching my breath lad but would you do me a favor?” The boy nods.

The man takes a piece of paper out and writes on it with his shaky hands. “What was your name again?” The man asks and the boy smiles, “My name is Harry, mister.” The man nods and pats Harry’s back. “Take this letter to Queen Elsa of Arendelle. It is urgent.” Harry nods and takes his bicycle while riding to Arendelle.

“Now I just need to wait,” The man laughs his evil laughter and goes to a maple tree. The autumn is coming as the leaves are showing shades of red and orange. He leans his back on the tree and wipes sweat from his face. It is the beginning of September already.

POV Elsa

Guard runs after a boy who is wearing eyeglasses and waving something in the air. I stop walking in my courtyard and look at them when the boy runs to me. “So sorry your majesty, he refused to wait.” I smile and say, “I don’t think that he will cause any trouble. You may excuse.”

“My name is Harry, your majesty, and I was given this letter to deliver to you,” I saw how he was handing me a white envelope. I waved my hand and my maid left me alone with this boy as I took the letter. I opened it.

‘Come to meet me to the big maple tree in your castle garden.’ the letter said and was signed with ‘Your greatest admirer.’ I glanced at the boy, “How old are you Harry?” He seemed confused.

“I am ten years old, your majesty.” He responded and furrowed his eyebrows. I smiled, it must have been Jack who gave the letter since it seemed a bit mocking plus this boy is still in the age where kids believe in guardians. “Thank you,” I smiled to Harry and he seemed happy.

After Harry left I glanced around me, no one. Quickly I sneak out from the castle and walked towards the place where he wanted for us to meet. I believe that today he was in a meeting with Guardians but maybe he got off sooner!

As I reach the place I see someone who has dressed himself in a cape that covers his face. He is just leaning to the tree and I feel a bit confused, that man is not Jack. The man coughs, “Are you alright sir?” I go to him.

Suddenly he grabs my wrist and pulls the hood off from his face. This can’t be happening! Hans is there, staring me with his mad gaze. His cheeks are blackish and he has sunburns. “Finally we meet again, your highness,” he says sarcastically.

“Let me go!” I try to break free. Why can’t I use my power? He laughs, “No use! I bought a charm from Lovia.” He lifts up a necklace that is hanging on his neck, ”It conceals your power when you’re near me. I got it on top of my major deal,” his hand goes to his pocket and he pulls out a box.

“W-what is that?” I gasp as he throws me to ground. His leg is pushing me down to ground and with evil grin he opens the box. Something black is coming out from the box, it looks like a cloud. “This will take away the thing you love, forever.” He throws the dark cloud on me and it circles me, takes away my sight for a moment. Suddenly it vanishes and I see Hans in nowhere. Was this a curse? “Oh no! Anna!” I scream.

POV Jack

”Is somethin’ wrong Jack?” Bunny is staring at me. ”Uh, don’t know. Just got the chills and I feel that something is wrong. “ I feel restless, my heart is making me to want to leave. “Go,” North points at the window, “it seems important.” I nod to him with gratitude.

Something is wrong, I need to be in Arendelle at once. I fly on the mountains and just before I was at the castle I heard a scream. It is Elsa. Quickly I flew to her direction and saw her laying on the ground and crying. She was at the largest maple tree in whole Arendelle.

“Elsa! What is wrong?” I yell to her when I land few feet away from her.

POV Elsa

I heard Jack’s voice and I feel relieved. He knows how to fight with darkness, he will save Anna. “Jack!” I yell, “It was Hans! He threatened to make the one I love to go away forever! He did something and I don’t know what it was!” Make the one I love to go away.. the one that I love.. NO!

Jack is running towards me and I try to yell to him to stay away, “Don’t come near me Jack! I might hurt you!” He is laughing, “Stop that nonsense! You will never be able to hurt me with you power .” He stop moving and was staring at me. My eyes were hurt from all the crying but I saw how something almost black was coming from my hair, slowly drifting towards Jack. Jack took few steps back and tried to hit the dark cloud with his staff. At first the cloud moves slowly but then it hit Jack with its full power.

Jack grunted when the cloud hit him, throwing him against the maple tree. The impact was so great that the whole tree shook and some leaves drop to ground. My heart shattered when I watched the one that I love being hurt. I love Anna but I love him also, he was brought to danger because of me. I see how he exhales just before he fells to ground and is left numb. “No!” I scream and a burst of ice ascends from me, leaving a frost pattern on the ground.

I run to Jack and fell to my knees next to him. He is barely moving when the dark cloud leaves him and evaporates to the sky. Tears are falling on my cheeks and I let myself to embrace him, I cry against his shoulder and feel how his breathing gets slower. Then he exhales for the last time and I feel how his life has drifted away. He is gone. My silent cry turns to loud screaming because of the pain that I am feeling. He is gone because of me.

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