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POV Elsa

It has been decades since Jack gave me this mirror as Christmas present, he did it for me. What I didn’t know then was the fact that I would be the one growing old and dying one day. My reflection doesn’t show me the girl I once was.

I am a wife and a grandmother, wrinkles are spreading from my eyes corners and my hair is tied to a knot over my head. “Another strand of grey,” I chuckle a bit and turn my cheek towards the mirror. My platinum blonde hair is turning grey slowly now.

Not only my looks have changed, I have changed. The girl that once was scared, filled with fear and doubts, regret, is gone. I sigh and close my eyes, it doesn’t feel that long from the day when I was a child and playing with my sister. Not long from the day that made me feel guilt for years and not so long from the day when I shut myself from the world. Then the day when I realized that love is the key to everything, it seems like yesterday. Then came the day when I met him.

Cool breeze is waving my bedroom curtains judging from the sound. I try imagine myself being a young girl again, heart filled with love and longing after someone. It isn’t that hard since I love him still, I know that he must have just walked in the air behind of me, landing down. I open my eyes and I see how a hand touches my bedroom mirror, my sight is still good and I see how he writes.

“Do you still believe? – Jack Frost.”

I turn around and Jack is there smirking, he jerked his head to right and seemed like waiting for my respond. I laughed, “Always. I will always believe in you.” He crossed his arms and started to laugh hard, ”That is good since I am a bit late.” I smile to him, “Yes you are.”

He reached to his hoodie’s front pocket and pulled out something. “I did this for you.. North helped a bit,” Jack whispers and gives me a small jewelry box. My heart started to beat fast, “Something that you have done?” Jack nodded proudly.

My hands are a bit shaky when I open it up. I gasp from astonishment and cover up my mouth. Tears roll on my cheeks which I quickly wipe away. “It is beautiful,” I say and touch Jacks hand. He chuckles when he sees me touching the white gold locket.

“Happy 60th birthday my love,” Jack kissed my cheek quickly before I could tell him not to do it. I give him a glare and he winks his eye. “I can’t change you can I ?”  I sighed and he shook his head, “No way Mrs Frost!” He chuckled and caused me to blush.

The locket is really beautiful, it had a blue sapphire on the middle, surrounded by carved snowflake. “Try to open it,” Jack said with anxiety. “Just wait,” I gave him a sly smirk when I turned the locket. I tried not to cry when I saw what he had written on the other side, “Winter’s Heart is Yours to keep.” I read the text aloud and Jack  blushed. “My wedding ring has ‘My Moon, My Star’, the words that you say to me.. and this locket is how I feel about you?” I whispered and wiped away a few tears.

“Yeah,” Jack smiled and took the locket from my hands. He put it on my neck, “Our hearts are now close.” Jack whispered to my ear. “Open it,” he whispered again and I nodded. I open up the locket and I gasped from surprise. “It is a music box also?” I said quietly when I listened to the sweet tone.

“North helped me with the tiny mechanism,” Jack smiled to me. I closed my eyes and listen to the tone (A/N: A thousand years attached).  “I love it Jack,” I said when the music ended. “I know and I love you too,” he said without hesitation. He hugged me from behind, “Elsa.. I need to tell you something.” His voice sounded sad right now.

I turned around, “Tell me what?” He sighed, “I tried to speak with Manny.. I wanted you to be guardian and stay alive but.. He never responded.” Jack seemed miserable, his shoulders drop down and he tried to turn his back to me. Quickly I stood up and grab his hand, “Jack.” I said firmly and he looked at me with tear filled eyes.

“Now we can be together and I am not afraid of anything anymore,” I said to him and he nodded while giving a faint smile. “Let’s go to celebrate my birthday with everyone? That will make you feel better,” I laughed and he shrug his shoulders. “C’mon!” I pulled him after me.

“You’re a fast granny,” Jack chuckled and I gave him an angry glare. “Don’t push you luck Frost!” I grinned to him and he looked at the ceiling quickly.

We had so much fun with everyone. Our children were there with their families. Arthur and Evie brough their son Edward and there was Matthew and Halla with their beautiful daughter Maya. Emma and Brian also flew to Arendelle with their children and their families. They had a son and a daughter in around of 30 years old. Also my sister and her family were celebrating among many other people. Also the Guardians paid me a small visit which was nice.

However large parties with lots of people made me feel exhausted sometimes. After few hours I left the party and Jack joined me. “It was nice to speak with some people again,” Jack said while smiling. It was hard to see how some people forgot him quite soon at their teenage years and then they didn’t believe in him. So he was invisible to many people, even to his sister’s children.

“How are you feeling?” Jack sounded worried when I took a break at the stairs. “I will manage thank you,” I said proudly. He still seemed worried. “I am fine Jack,” I said tightly and he sighed. He was so caring always and now I am closing my end. He will be left without me and I feel really bad and sad for him. “I am sorry Jack,” I whispered. “Why?” Jack sounded curious.

“You saved me back then Jack, in more ways that you could ever imagine. That is why I am sorry I whispered and gave him a warm faint smile. He messed up his hair with his right hand and seemed nervous. “Why are you sorry for that? I wanted to help you,” he finally whispered. ”Because I can’t be with you forever,” I am smiling to him still and he sighs. “D-don’t be sorry,” he whispered and turned away.

“Jack,” I said while placing my hands on his shoulders. He was crying. “I am here now, let’s enjoy the time we still have,” I turned him around and he was looking down while breathing heavily. “I will remain here,” I touched his chest where his heart is. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into embrace, “I will miss you.” Jack whispered. “I know.. Just don’t miss me before, I am still here for you,” I whispered and quickly messed his hair.

Jack started to laugh, “Hey! I just did my hair!” He gave me a sassy look that made me laugh. This was more like him, fooling around. I am not afraid of my death, I am just afraid how he will manage. I slightly stomped the ground and it froze. “Elsa?” Jack whispered when he tried to lift his feet.

”Come and get me?” I yelled while backing up and spreading my arms. He grinned and pointed at me with his staff. A large amount of snow was shot towards me but I dodged it. As a return gift I did a snowball which I threw to his chest. He fell and the ice around his feet shattered, he was now free and speeding towards me like a rocket. But I always outsmart him, always.

“Don’t you ever learn, Frost?” I laughed and pointed up. His cyan blue eyes widened when he started to float in the air and turned around. “Not again!” He yelled when a large snowball fell on top of him. I went to dig him out. “You know that I let you do that always,” he smirked mischievously when I found him under the snow. “No because you don’t?” I gave him a sly smirk while I pulled him up. He sighed, “Yeah.” We were laughing together now.


Here it was. The ending of He who rescued me.

Thank you My Snow Storm for staying with me for the whole book. You made this possible by giving me courage to finish it. I loved doing this book and I will love doing the sequel : ).

Next I will post the summary of the Sequel. Are you ready? 30 votes and I will post the next book :3. Prologue is ready... ;)

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