4 Go Away

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POV Elsa

Anna was knocking at my door again. “Please, Elsa. I want to be with you, it is your birthday!” She begged early in the morning. ”Go away Anna,” I responded to her and heard her sigh in disappointment. Yes, today was my 18th birthday and I wanted this day to be exactly same as every other day during the years.

Soon after Anna had walked away I heard a little knock three times and then the sound what silver tray does when you place it on the ground. I pressed my ear against the door and heard steps moving away from door. When I opened the door there was a tray which had a fruit, toast and tea. This time there was an apple as a fruit. The only difference for my everyday lonely breakfast moment was the fact that there was a miniature chocolate cake with a candle that was lit. Also there was an envelope leaning against the tea pot.

I carefully carried the tray to my little table where I eat every meal that I have during the day. There was a long white rose on small vase also that usually wasn’t on the tray. The envelope had some writing on it with beautiful handwriting “To Elsa,” I read the text.

Gloves were covering my hands and made it not easy to open the envelope. I swallowed the lump from my throat and slowly pulled the gloves off, finger by finger. Then I quickly opened the envelope and put gloves back on. “Huh, nothing happened,” sigh of relief came out of me and my eyes closed for a moment. There was a letter inside.

“Dear Elsa,

I really miss you and would like us to be sisters again. I have a surprise for you at the pond where we used to play as kids. We had so much fun then!

Please come to meet me this night at 10pm at the pond. Maybe we can start over? I don’t know what I did wrong since you seem to avoid me.

I love you Elsa,


My hands shook after reading the letter. She didn’t remember my powers after we visited the trolls. She just remembers the fun, if only she knew that I do this to protect her. Not to avoid her, I love her. Tears fall on my cheek. “No one can know,” I stare at my hands that are covered by gloves, those bind my powers – my curse.

Tonight she will be waiting me at the pond if I don’t do something. It is absolutely impossible idea for me to leave my room. How would I stop her? No, no.. The only way was.. No.. When I sat in front of my desk I felt miserable.

I took a pen and some paper and started to write.


I don’t want to meet you.


Simple words that were meant to hurt her and to get her loose her interest in me. Quickly I folded it in the envelope which I placed on the tray after writing her name on the cover. I felt sick and decided not to eat this morning, just a cup of tea. Before I opened my door I listened that there was no one. I pushed the tray outside and locked the door after me.

Right on time the cleaning lady came to pick up the tray. “I will take your message to Princess Anna your highness,” the woman said kindly. I haven’t actually seen her or even responded to her ever, she just is nice to me whenever she speaks to me. I wiped my face to my sleeve, I hate being mean to Anna but it was the only thing I could do to protect her from me.

Soon after the lady left I was laying on my bed and looking at my right hand which I lifted in front of my face. I turned it around and back, I will never learn to control it. I was cursed, not gifted. There was a sound of running in the hallway outside my door. It ended in a bang which shook my door. “ELSA,” Anna was yelling behind of the door and banging it.

I chose not to say anything, better that way. “FINE, if you don’t want to see me. But hear me out, here is the gift for you!” She yelled with broken voice. Then she sounded like taking a deep breath and started to sing. “Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Elsa. Happy birthday to y-you.” Her singing ended in crying and she run away judging from the sound.

My eyes were watering again and I cried to my hands. Why do I have this curse? What did I ever do to anyone to deserve this since being born? There was no Jack Frost or if there was he does this to me, he wants me to suffer for some reason. He never came to answer my prayer to be free. There is no one like me, he is a fairytale character, nothing more. My curse was to be born.

POV Jack

 I felt the chills on my back just now, like someone was talking behind of my back. I shrug the feeling out of me and faced North. He was one of the Guardians, I have been part of their group for three years now. Bringing fun to children and controlling the winter takes most of my time and searching for my past has been on the hold.

 “So North,” he turned around from a yeti that was painting some toy soldiers. “Yes Jack?” His loud Russian accent is somehow frightening. ”So.. have you managed to find out anything from that little girl from my memory?” My high hopes ended in a crash. “No, sorry Jack. I’ve been checking my lists for months but there are many children in the world. “ He smiled.

“Guess so,” I sighed and felt hopeless. His hand came to my shoulder and pat me. “Jack, it is just that you want to know stuff from a little girl from 12 years ago. All you told me was that she was under 10 years old, is a girl and has platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. Oh and had another little girl with her with brownish hair. “ He started to laugh, “My archives are big you know, not easy to find.”

“Sorry to bother you North,” I threw my staff in the air, then I caught it by first kicking it to higher before it hit the ground and grabbing to it after that. when I started to walk away North stopped me, “Jack. Don’t feel desparate, one day you will find the girl and answers.” He tapped his stomach, “Trust me. I feel it in my belly.” He laughed deeply and I chuckled. ”Yeah, I won’t give up,” I smiled to him and left.

I flew to Nebraska and started to frost the phone lines. My thoughts were wandering and I accidentally frosted it too much. Now Nebraska will have connection issues, oops! Even though I made a mistake it amused me, fun was my center and I can’t help it. Some people find it annoying..and kangaroo’s too. The Easter is a holiday that changes the days on different years. Not my fault if his little tail gets little frozen when the Easter happens to be earlier when it is still time to have some winter fun..

The wind lifted me to a nearby rooftop and I watch the moon again. Manny hasn’t spoken to me in years, he won’t tell me, remind me, of where I did come from. He wants me to figure out it by myself. Other Guardians promised to help but since I just know that it was a pond somewhere and there were two girls it is like finding a needle from haystack. You know how many girls there were 12 years ago that looked like that? Yeah, many.. and the amount of ponds, please don’t even ask.

I sighed since the situation was really desperate. Why can’t I remember myself or what I spoke with that girl? She might remember, she might be able to help me figure out who I am. Who I was. The memory has haunted me since I saw it, before it I just had a longing for to know how I ended up as Jack Frost. Now it was my obsession that was eating me from my inside.

Before becoming an actual Guardian children couldn’t see me but now they slowly started to believe in me and I wasn’t alone in that way. However I still wasn’t happy, I couldn’t be happy until I know the person behind of Jack Frost. I was someone before but who? Why I was chosen? My head is resting on my staff and I wear my hood over my head, it has become a habit of mine when I feel beaten. Beaten by the fact that I can’t remember, I can’t find the only person who might be able to help me. Until now I had hold my breath in this silent cry of mine, cry for knowledge. My breath rushed from my lungs as a breeze of cold air that frosted some leaves on the tree next to me.

“Don’t give up, remember what North said,” I tried to convince myself even though my heart was beating painfully. “I just want to know Manny, please let me.” I glanced at the moon which stayed quiet. For few moments I just stood there before flying off, “I will find her.” I whispered to myself.


A/N: How do you feel about their feelings? Could this really happen in your mind? What do you think happens next? ;)

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