"And then he was like, 'my sentiments exactly'. I could have just screamed," I said, recounting my horrific tale to the girls.
Kendra and Haley were listening intently to my story, oohing, aweing, and getting upset at just the right parts. Kendra was braiding my hair into cornrows while Haley sat at my feet snacking on a bag of chips, listening attentively, and looking positively horror struck.
"And that lady really said you had to stay there?" Haley said, looking perplexed by the idea.
"Yes, she said it would take one to two weeks for the paperwork to process."
"You know what," Kendra said, running the comb through the last bit of loose hair on my head, "That's exactly what she said to Ricki about her room change request."
Haley nodded in agreement. "What a bitch! This is truly an unacceptable situation, Jenny," Haley exclaimed, pulling out her cell phone, "I'm going to call my mom and tell her about this. It has to be a violation of your civil rights or something."
I let out a sigh, "I don't think we need to do all of that, Haley, but I appreciate it." It was only for two weeks at the most, no need to get Haley's lawyer mom involved.
Haley beamed at me, "Not a problem, honey. You let me know if you change your mind."
My hand flew to my chest. "Oh wait, I almost forgot. I didn't even get to the worst part."
Her eyes widened. "It gets worse?"
I was totally being dramatic but I didn't care.
"Yes!" I turned my whole body to look at her. "When we get back to the room he's all like 'we need to set some ground rules'. As if I'm the one who needs some boundaries. Like I'm the one who needs to be kept in line." I folded my arms over my chest and rolled my neck. "He could be an axe murderer for all I know."
"You guys are being so silly."
"What?" I looked over at Erika, I'd forgotten she was even there. She'd been pretty much silent this whole time.
But she'd definitely been listening. "Ground rules are exactly what you need in this situation. You don't want to step on each other's toes."
She stated it matter-a-factly though it sounded preposterous to me. "I won't be stepping on his toes, Erika."
"You say that now." She shook her head knowingly, "Jenny, you're on the rebound and now you find out that you're rooming with some hot guy."
"Hot guy? Jenny, you never mentioned that he was hot." Haley squealed.
"That's because he's not." I could feel myself start to blush. Jerkface Strauss wasn't hot and I was not on the rebound. Why would Erika even say that? Was it because I'd mentioned that I'd just gotten out of a long relationship? That didn't make me desperate. I was just the opposite actually.
"I don't know. From the way you've been going on and on about him since you got here I'd just assumed you must have found him attractive," She said.
"Well, you're assuming all wrong. I don't find him attractive at all." And I had not been going on and on...or had I?
Suddenly her eyes lit up, struck with a brilliant idea. "If it's so bad we can trade places. You stay in the all-girls dorm and I'll take rooming with this allegedly not hot guy any day."
"No, I think I'd rather stick it out, thanks..." I said rather quickly. There still were things worse than rooming with Jerkface.
Erika shrugged and turned her attention back to the TV. I stared at her for a moment feeling a bit confused by her behavior. What was up with her? She'd been acting strange all afternoon.

The Best Days
RomanceSex, sex, and more sex? College is about more than partying and pill-popping. There's all that forbidden sexual tension with my hot professor, the fact that my roommate is a BOY, and that my new "friends" are kind of shady. They said these would be...