Our final grades came out towards the end of winter break. I kind of knew I'd do well but I must have really nailed my exams because I was pleasantly surprised to see all the A's in the classes that had be me kind of worried. Ah, the sweet satisfaction. However this glorious feeling of euphoria was quickly dashed when it finally came time to register for my spring classes.
I still had no idea what I wanted to major in. I liked my psychology class but certainly not enough to major in it. And then composition had been such a struggle this semester. While I enjoyed writing creatively I detested having to write on assigned topics. So that was a no go as well.
Welp, I guess it was more graduation requirements for Jenny. It didn't take me too long to register for my classes after that. There was one class I wanted that was full but I would make sure to stalk it during add/drop week so as not to miss my chance.
Alas, there was one weight lifted from my shoulders. I wasn't looking forward to any of my new classes in particular, although, my Anthropology class could prove to be a bit entertaining.
I spent the rest of the break lazing around the house and then working out. My mom was hardly home so I was left to fend for myself. Having grown used to dining hall food I had no interest in preparing meals. One day though when I was particularly hungry I'd gone into the kitchen and took out a frying pan. What I was going to cook? I do not know. I stared at the pan for a few minutes before deciding that I'd rather starve. But I was pretty used to the hunger pang since I was known to skip breakfast in order to get in as much sleep as possible.
Also in my abundance of spare time I found this super cool work out plan in one of my mom's women's health magazines and became obsessed with it. I tried to share it with my friends but was left with lukewarm reactions.
It was alright though. I managed to keep myself preoccupied in my unsolicited time of solitude.
Joshua the Abandoner finally decided to show his face the night before my last day at home. I tried not to let on how lonely and bored I'd been. But he of course knew and promised to make it up to me. So I did my best to not be a brat.
Now that Josh was back my mom suddenly remembered she had a home. That guy she was dating must have been something special. All she ever seemed to do was work and go on dates with him. After being MIA for the last week or so seeing my mom around for most of the day on my last day was odd. She cooked and cleaned and generally floated around the house. Then when she was done with all of that she gave me one of her motivational but actually discouraging talks. This happened inconveniently as I was trying to leave the house to catch my flight back to Florida. I had to set my bag down by the door as I pretended to listen.
But all I could notice was the fresh air about her. She was usually so dreary and was known to suck the fun out of anything. But there she was in front of me looking younger than ever. Veronica Jameson who was known for her slicked back, edge controlled buns, had her hair blown out and bouncing. I peered closely and saw that her shade of lipstick was a bit more on the pink side. I frowned.
I glanced down at her right hand and saw that the ring she had never once taken off in the last four years was missing. The light band of skin on her bare finger was a tell-tale sign. My frown deepened.
"What's the guy you're dating named again?" I narrowed my brows at her and folded my arms over my chest.
She faltered, the question had been quite jarring after all, since she'd actually been discussing something about economics and my future.
"The guy I'm dating?"
No, the guy Josh is dating. "Yeah, your boyfriend. The guy from church."
She feigned confusion for a moment before letting out a shrill laugh and swatting me on the shoulder. "You mean George?"
The Best Days
RomanceSex, sex, and more sex? College is about more than partying and pill-popping. There's all that forbidden sexual tension with my hot professor, the fact that my roommate is a BOY, and that my new "friends" are kind of shady. They said these would be...