Chapter Three.

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(A.N - welp, I had a nightmare so I'm gonna spend a while and try get chapter three up and the start of chapter four drafted. Sorry for any spelling mistakes I make! And sorry if this chapter, or any other chapter, isn't as good as you expected. I'm starting to get a small case of writers block. However, I do have this chapter planed and I'm gonna plan the next chapter after this one to avoid not updating it x)

That hug was a little... Tight, Patrick.

Patrick's P.O.V
I stared at her beautiful figure, her hair, her eyes, everything. She was amazing. I felt a liquid trickle down my chin and my eyes widened. I was drooling.

I quickly wiped the drool and looked at Pete then back at Sarah. Her friend seemed to be pointing at me, yet I took no notice of this.

I felt like some puppy dog, following around my owner. It was stupid. My life was becoming some stupid chick flick movie o-or some cheesy romance book.

Quickly snapping out of it I looked up and Sarah was walking towards me with her friend trailing behind.

My palms had suddenly become sweaty, I shoved them into my pockets to avoid any awkwardness that may come from me being overly sweaty. I began to smile once I viewed that Sarah was carrying the books the way I taught her to.

Sarah grinned,
"H-Hey, Patrick. Pete." She greeted. "Oh! This is Callie, y-you didn't get to meet here earlier but... Here she is." She said, her smile fading a little once she mentioned her friend.

"Hey!" Callie giggled, pulling me into a sudden hug, my eyes widened - being surprising at her actions.

I looked at Sarah and it seemed as if she was... jealous? I couldn't tell, I wasn't good with emotions.

Going to pull from the hug I heard a squeal and my glasses slowly pulling from my face.
"My hair!" I heard Callie shriek, I saw Sarah began to giggle and I bit my lip trying not to smile.

Pete chuckles and helped remove Callie's hair from my glasses frame.
"Don't touch me!" She spat at Pete. He rolled his eyes and leant against the lockers.

We were speaking about his hair the other day and he's deciding on taking his dreadlocks out, thank Stumph.

Don't get me wrong, they were part of Pete's style. But, he looks way better without them.

My attention quickly turned back to Sarah. She was muttering something to Callie, but it seemed aggressive. Callie frowned and glanced at me.

"S-Sorry..." I heard Callie mumble to Sarah. Sarah shook her head and looked back at me.

She quickly hugged Callie, which caused Callie to give a subtle smile.
Sarah looked at me and I quickly blushed, I swiftly looked away.

Sarah frowned.

"Hey, I-I'm Pete. We didn't have a... Proper introduction." Pete said, with a hint of shame.

"Sarah," she held her hand out, he shook his head.

"I-i don't do that stuff," pete lightly laughed then turned to me, "But Patrick is a hugger." I saw a small smirk on Pete's face. I quickly shook my head.

Sarah blushed and giggled, passing her books to Callie. She held her arms open for me and nibbled on the dead skin on her lips.

My eyes quickly drew to her lips and cleavage, I quickly looked back up at her eyes and began to sweat.

She giggled and pulled me into a tight, warm hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around her, tightening my grip. My eyes widened as my grip got tighter.

I felt her chest press against me, I slowly felt my bulge grow and I swiftly sprinted to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall.

Sarah's P.O.V

I felt Patrick pull me in tighter, I couldn't help but blush and burry my head into his neck. He smelt like vanilla (apparently he does actually smell like vanilla so :P). It was amazing.

I felt something press against my thigh and I furrowed my brows.
'What is that? His phone?.....0.0'
My eyes shot wide open, Patrick pulled away and sprinted to the boys bathroom.

Pete looked at me in confusion, my cheeks stung. He went in after Patrick.
"What was that!?" I heard Callie yell from behind me.

I looked at her, my cheeks a very bright color, my eyes wide.
"What?" She asked, oblivious to the fact that Patrick had a hard on.

"H-He..." I mumbled, she a gesture for me to continue. I gestured towards my crotch, she furrowed her brows.

"What? D-Do you need a pad? Cause I've got one!" Callie began to route around in her bag. I shook my head.

"No! No! No." I growled, I looked at her. I sighed. "He... He got hard Callie." Her eyes snapped up at me.

"He What!?"

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