Chapter Thirteen

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A Little Aggression.
(Smut warning)
Sarah's P.O.V

Patrick took me back to my own house, I was rather shocked at what he did. He sat me on the couch and growled to himself, clenching his fists.
"Why would you hit him..." I said quietly, he looked at me.

"Because he called you a slut!" He snarled, I nodded and looked at my shoes. He sat next to me.
"You're not a slut. You're beautiful. Amazing. You're Sarah." He sighed. He softly kissed my head and wiped his hands on his jeans.

"I know that... H-He was just upset." I stuttered, he held my hand rather tightly.

"I can't let him say those things about you." He said, a small growl rolling through his throat. I blushed.

"W-Why not?" I smiled. He looked at me and began to blush. His hand became sweaty against mine, which I didn't mind as my palms were already sweaty.

"B-Because I like you Sarah, a-a lot." He stuttered, smiling shyly. I softly kissed him, cupping his cheek and pulling him closer.

His hand rested on my hip, his fingers lightly digging in. I could tell he was still wound up. But, I guess a little aggression was always good.

He pulled away and breathed on my face softly, he pushed his lips against mine rather harshly. I blushed and I opened my eyes to see his closed. I smiled into the kiss and closed my own eyes, he laid me down and hovered above me in the push up formation.

He placed a hand on my hip again and squeezed it, I bit his lip and tangled a hand in his hair. My heart thudded in my chest, my cheeks stung and my body trembled under his touch.

I felt his fingertips lightly slide to under my shirt, my eyes shot open. Patrick pulled away to breath and began lightly pecking my neck.

I giggled,
"P-Patrick," I leant into his touch, his kisses began rougher as he lightly sucked around until he found an area that made me shiver.

I softly moaned and Patrick darted up to look at me.
"W-Whoa," He whispered, chuckling. I blushed and bit my lip. I awkwardly smiled.

"S-Sorry," I apologised. He shook his head madly.

"N-No! It was...I-I did that?" He asked, I shyly nodded and he tucked his head back into my neck. I felt the slightest smirk press against my lips.
"C-Can I do it again, please?" He asked politely.

In my head I was begging for him to.

"Y-Yes," I stuttered, he began to suck at that area. He soon began to very softly bite it, I moaned and gripped his hair.

"I-It's bruising..." He said, sounding guilty. I giggled and smiled.

"It's a hickey, a love bite." I clarified, I looked at him as he smiled. He moved down my neck to my collarbone and began to suck.

"Patrick..." I softly moaned, he created another hickey and kissed the untouched side of my neck. His hand slid up to my stomach, I blushed and sucked my stomach in at his cold touch.

He looked at me.
"S-Sorry..." he muttered, kissing my head. I sat up and shook my head.

"Y-Your hand, its cold..." I whispered, looking at him. I knew Patrick wouldn't judge my size but I was still very anxious. I slowly began to remove my shirt from my thick figure, I wasn't thick enough to be called 'fat'. But I had hips and a pudgy stomach and thighs that rubbed together.

Patrick stared at me in awe.
"Y-You're beautiful." He whispered, and with that I pushed my lips to his and laid him down - reversing our position. Patrick blushed and stuttered. I cut him off my pressing my lips to his.

He kissed back and held the back of my head. I ran my hand down his chest, flipped my hair out of the way and began to suckle at his neck. 

He softly moaned and wrapped an arm around me, tightly squeezing my body.

I fell, causing my body to press to his. I bit my lip, my cheeks a rosy pink. I fluttered kisses under his jaw, he tilted his head back.

I smiled and sat up on his hips. He placed his hands either side of my waist and began to lightly rock me back and forth, grinding our crotches together.

I moaned quietly and he leant his head back, tightening his grip. I felt an uncomfortable... thing prod against me. I knew exactly what it was, I'm not dumb.

His hands slid to squeeze my ass, I squeaked and jumped. He blushed furiously and gave me a comforting smile. I smiled and leant back into him, he lightly squeezed my butt and I leant down to kiss him.

I heard a voice clear its throat, not as if it had a cough but to get the attention of others. I very slowly sat up and turned to see Chris.

His arms were folded.
"Get up." He snapped, I whimpered and quickly put my shirt on and stood up. Though I was happy to see him I was also petrified of him when he was angry, I watched as Patrick jumped up.

"I-I'll go," he shakily stuttered, Chris shook his head.

"Stay." He ordered, sitting both Patrick and I on the couch.
"What the fuck do you think you were doing." He snarled, I stayed quiet as my eyes began to water.
"You're six-fucking-teen!" He yelled at me.

I slowly began to cry, Patrick wrapped a timid arm around me and comforted me.
"And you! What the fuck. That's my baby sister." He snapped. "What were you gonna do huh, fuck her, get her pregnant and leave!" He snarled at Patrick.

"N-No." Patrick mumbled, I looked at Chris. I stood up and wipes my tears.

"No! Chris. He wasn't. Because he's my boyfriend, he cares about me and he's too fucking nerdy and adorable to hurt anyone." I yelled, defending Patrick. Chris picked Patrick up by his collar.

"You hurt my sister and I'll have your head on a Spike. Got that twat?" He threatened. Patrick let a few tears slip down his cheeks as he nodded.

I take it back. A little aggression is never good.

(A/N: for some reason it won't let me use my italics!? So I think for now everything that is meant to be in italics will be underlined. ~C the loser x)

(A/N: I think I've found a way to fix it x)

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