Chapter TwentyFour

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Wow, That Hurt... Wait. Ow!
Patrick's P.O.V
I paced around my living room, my phones dial tone loud and clear. My heart thundered in my chest, my palms became wet, my head ached. I stayed up all night long trying to think of a way to talk to Pete. It was his birthday yesterday. I didn't want to ruin it that's why I didn't call.

I did send him a few presents, photos, random shit. I knew he probably didnt care, but I do. I jumped at the sound of his voicemail.
'Hey, uh, this is Pete I'm kinda-' his voice was cut off by sarahs. I growled.
'Having the best day ever!' She squeaked, he chuckled.
'Yeah so Uhm, I might not answer for a while. A-Sorry leave a message,'

I hated how close he was to Sarah. I could just imagine his hands roaming over her body, I wanted to fucking kill him. But, then again, I did fuck his girlfriend. I sighed and tried ringing again, I was surprised to hear someone pick up.

"Hello?" Pete questioned, he mustn't have realised it was me. I cleared my throat.
"W-We need to talk. Now," I said, he sounded to be in a busy place. Kids giggling, screaming, I even heard Sarah ask who he was talking to.
"I-I'm busy. Why would I speak to you anyway." He snapped, I sighed.

"Pete it's important. It's about Callie," I tried my best to get him to comply with meeting me. He sighed, agreeing to meet me tomorrow at his place. Satisfied, I hung up.

Petes P.O.V

Sarah yanked on my arm, wanting me to hang up.
"Who was it?" She questioned, licking at her icecream. I looked at her,
"Patrick," I said truthfully, wiping some icecream on her nose. She giggled and dragged me towards a rollercoaster. She said that by the end of today I would be the 'happiest boy alive, not sexually.' She always knew how to make me smile.

I held her hand as she waited in line.
"I have a surprise for you at the hotel," he grinned happily, i raised a brow in curiosity. She giggled once again and finished her ice cream, once we reached the front of the ride her eyes sparkled with amazement.

"Excited?" I asked, she jumped lightly and nodded, we both got on the ride and strapped ourselves in. We raised our arms as the metal bar fell in front of us. Her eyes scanned over the ride, she slowly began to grow anxious.

"Are you okay," I held her hand. She shook her head.

"I-I wanna get off," she whimpered, trying to get out. I looked at the guy who checked the security of the ride.
"She wants to get off," I said, he ignored me and continued to walk.

Sarah gripped my arm.
"Pete," I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her tightly, kissing her head.
"I won't let anything hurt you," I whispered, my lips pressing to her head. I watched her as the the ride started up, her eyes began to water.

"Fuck," I laughed as the speed began to increase, she laughed fearfully and clung to me. She screamed as we went in a loop. Slowly, she began to enjoy the ride. I smiled and let go of her, holding her hand and pulling her arm up. She giggled, our arms being in the air.


By the end of the day we were both worn out, exhausted. We walked back to the hotel, hand in hand. I smiled as she pushed the door open. My eyes were drawn to the box laying on the bed.

"What's that?" I asked, she smiled and led me over to it. "I-Is it for me?" I questioned, she nodded and sat me down. She placed it on my lap with a little difficulty.

I slowly began to peel the paper back, there. Laying on my lap was the most gorgeous bass guitar i had ever seen. The clandestine bat hand painted on the corner. I looked at her and began to cry. Sure, I already had a bass but not like this was. This was amazing.

"Do you like it?" She asked softly, cupping and stroking my cheek. I cried and nodded, I wrapped my arms around her the best I could. She smiled.

"Late birthday present," she explained. "I've just finished the shipping payment so it didn't come tomorrow." She said, I shook my head.

"That doesn't matter. Thank you," I cried, I pressed my lips to hers. She pulled away to wipe my tears, pressing her lips back to mine. I slid my tongue past her teeth and fought her tongue for dominance. A gentle moan slipped out her mouth. I smiled. She pulled away and placed the guitar against the wall, sitting herself on my hips.

I wrapped my arms around her and begin to lay down, her body following mine. I hummed and combed her hair. She slowly fell into sleep and quietly snored. I smiled. This was perfect.


I knocked on Patrick's door, I didn't want to be here. But, it was 'important', he was my best friend. As much as I hated him right now in a month or so I would be friends with him, I loved him that much.

Patrick opened the door, panic was a constant expression that played on his face right now.
"Well?" I questioned, he broke down in tears. Falling to his knees, he looked at me. His eyes began to fill with heartbreak, I sighed and stood him back up. I straightened out his clothes, giving him some sense of dignity.

"Callie's pregnant!" He blurted out, looking at me.  I stared at him. What? No. There's no fucking way. He got my girlfrie-... Ex-girlfriend fucking pregnant.

I lost control of my senses and punched him in the face, he stood in a shock for a moment.
"Wow... That hurt," he chuckles, "Wait... Ow! That hurt!" He yelled, holding his now bleeding nose.

"I-I'm sorry!" I felt guilty, sure he had got my ex-girlfriend pregnant but I'm not a violent person. He walked to his kitchen to grab some tissues.

"No, I-I deserved that," he said coming back. He looked at me. "I-I'm so sorry for everything," he sobbed, I didn't want to forgive him but it hurt knowing I couldn't come to my best friend with anything.

"So a-am I..." I trialed off into a solemn silence. We stood for a few moments before he hugged me, tears trickling down his face. I wiped his tears.

"Grown up time," I sadly laughed. "Is she keeping the baby?" I asked, Patrick nodded. "When did she tell you?" I questioned.

"N-Not long ago," he sighed,
"I asked her to keep it." He said, looking at me.

"Okay... Are you definitely the father?" I asked, he nodded rapidity. Fuck sake.
"I fucking hate being nine-fucking-teen."

It Was Nice Knowing You Can Hold Coffee. (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now