Chapter Ten.

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Anything at all

I turned to Patrick and shook my head with a sigh,
"We're already late, we've missed first class and the start of second."
Patrick sighed and messaged his mom, I looked over his shoulder.
'Mom I threw up last night, I think I might have food poisoning from something I ate when I was at McDonalds, lots of love Patrick x'

"Nice cover," I smiled, Chris probably knew we were late so it was fine anyways.
I slid my hand to meet his and interlocked our fingers, Patrick hadn't said anything all morning.
Not even 'hello' or 'okay', so I was getting increasingly worried.

I pulled Patrick off of the bus when we arrived at the town, I took him to the bank and got $50 (around £50-£48) from my account.

"Why are we here?" Patrick finally spoke up, he didn't seem happy though. I smiled and took him into a clothing shop. I looked as he folded his free arm over his body and glanced around at everyone, then he kept his head down.

I could tell he was self conscious.
I stopped walking and tilted his head up and stroked his cheek.
"Patrick, you are beautiful you know?" I asked, he swiftly shook his head. I kissed his nose.

"You are to me." I said, taking him round to the men's section. I wrapped one arm around Patrick's back and let go of his hand.

"See anything you like? Anything at all?" I asked. He couldn't help but keep his head down, I sighed and frowned, tilting his head up. He glanced around and shrugged, once again hanging his head.

"Wait here," I smiled, walking over to a pair of skinny jeans. Patrick wore jeans but not skinny jeans, so his jeans would often drag on the floor. I looked through the sizes then went to Patrick.

I stood around the back of him.
"W-what are you doing!" He exclaimed. I folded the back of his jeans out to read the tag and gently kissed the back of his neck.

"Treating you? Letting you know you are beautiful?" I said, though they came off more as questions. I made my way back over to the Jeans section and pulled the pair of skinny jeans out, making sure they were a size too big.

I folded them over my arm and went back over to Patrick,
"What's your shirt size?" I said in a soft, caring tone. He shyly muttered out a size and I made my way to the shirt section. I grabbed a grey shirt and then grabbed a hat, it was sort of like a 'grandad cap' only a lot more stylish.

(Basically the outfit he wears in the cover of Take This To Your Grave. Yes, I know that wasn't their first album and that Evening Out With Your Girlfriend is,)

I led him to the changing rooms and gave him the clothes.
"I'll be right outside, okay?" I left the changing rooms and did as I said and stood directly outside of the changing room.

I did contemplate on leaving for a moment to pick up a cardigan I saw, I was going through a phase with them. But, I decided against it.

I heard a quiet whimper and a sigh.
"C-Can I come in, 'Tricky?" I asked, knowing he was stood staring himself down in the mirror.

Patrick's P.O.V.
————— ——
I stared at myself in the mirror, I poked my stomach and whimpered. I sighed at the way I looked. How could a girl like her like me.

"C-Can I come in, 'Tricky?" She asked softly, my eyes widened and I quickly threw on my shirt. Leaving the shirt she got me hanging up.

"Yeah..."I mumbled, she same in and stared at her beautiful figure in the mirror.

"I don't like myself either Patrick," she stared at herself with hatred.
"I don't like my chunky thighs, I don't like my fucking stomach, I don't like my arms, I don't like my face. Any of it." Her voice sounded strained, like it was too sensitive to speak about.

"I hate it. I hate me." She finally said.

It broke my heart to hear that, the way that she thought about herself? She was perfect. Why couldn't she see that.

She didn't even start crying.
It was like she said this that many times that it didn't even hurt her anymore.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I threw her into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her into a bone crushingly tight hug.

I get that she was a little more chunky than the average person but she was still perfect. She was a little skinnier than me, only a tiny bit. But she was a lot shorter than me.

She soon began to cry and hugged me just as tight. I felt my shirt become wet, she already trusted me so much.

She slowly pulled away and wiped her tears and mine.
"G-Get dressed, I-I wanna see how you look." She said smiling, she wipes her tears.

She left the room and I quickly changed, I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look too bad.

I smiled slightly, the jeans were tight but still lose. I held my hand out and she lightly squeezed it, I yanked her in and cuddled her.

"W-What do you think?" I grinned, her eyes foamed with tears.

"Incredible!" She lightly laughed, looking me up and down. I wiped her teary eyes and took both of her cheeks in my hands.

"Thank you, Sarah." I said, she smiled and placed her hands on my hips.

"It's okay, Patrick." She said. I kissed her forehead, too shy to kiss her.
"Anything at all for you," she added.

It Was Nice Knowing You Can Hold Coffee. (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now