Chapter five.

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(Whoa, 50 reads and i only joined a few days ago. Thanks guys :D)

With marshmallows and cream?
Sarah's P.O.V

I watched as Patrick fled from the bathroom, moments after pete.
"Patri-" When I tried to make a connection with him he ran faster, I frowned and turned to Callie. She frowned and sighed.

"Are you coming to mine tonight?" she questioned. I sighed, looking at her.
"I suppose," i couldn't stop thinking about what happened, all of it honestly. I would say it's a lot to take in, but it wasn't that much.

I met someone cute.
They helped me.
I met their friend.
They yelled at me.
I hugged them.
They got hard.
They ran into the bathroom.
Their friend went after them.
Their friend came out, looking rather angry.
They came out, looking upset.
I tried to speak to him.
They ran off.

I suppose it was a lot to take in.
"Actually... I don't know. I'm not feeling too good Callie. I-I might catch up with you later." I suggested, pulling my phone from my backpack and texting my older brother to pick me up. 

I liked it when Chris picked me up from school, it didn't happen often. My mom divorced my lousy ass father and married Chris' dad.
Chris' dad was genuine, he always opened the door and greeted me with smile and loving arms.

I could hear Chris smile from the other end of the phone, I often go to Callie's or walk home that's why he didn't often pick me up.

I anticipated his arrival, shifting my weight from leg i leg as I waited in the parking lot. I wasn't cool enough to have a car yet... well old enough, really.

But I couldn't wait until I had my own car, finally have some freedom. Feel the wind blowing past my face, get to go from town to town? City to city.

I would like to pursue the job of being either a journalist or a photographer. Preferably a photographer.

I looked up to where a large and obnoxious honking noice had came from, I smiled as I saw Chris waving.

I ran over and jumped in, I gave Christ a tight hug across the seats. Chris also had a job and he wasn't at home too much.

"Hey!" He chuckled, lightly kissing my head and sitting back in his seat.

"Heya!" We were both ecstatic to see one another, I told Chris almost everything. He never judged or gave me the family bullshit. He would tell me how it is.

"How's hell been?" He questioned, starting his car up and waiting for me to strap myself in. I buckled up the seatbelt and looked at him.

"Hell, the usual." We both laughed, he never liked high school and neither do I so we named it the very fitting name of 'hell'.

"How's your job been?" I asked with genuine interest, he turned to me and grinned a toothy smile.

"I got promoted." He smiles, I smiled and laughed in shock.
"Chris that's great!" I knew Chris liked his job, he worked as an intern for a music studio. He loved to sing and was amazing at it.

There was a large thumping noise at the front of the car, both our heads snapped towards the noise. I looked to see a sobbing Patrick, who had fallen into the car.

My heart melted at the sight, I unstrapped myself and fled from the car. I wrapped my arms around Patrick, he cried and desperately tried to release himself.

"Patrick. It's me, Sarah, what happened?" I asked, I felt his body relax once I had made it apparent who I was.

"So-s-something w-with P-Pet-it doesn't matter!" He squeaked our, I rubbed his back and combed my fingers through the hair on the back of his neck.

"Honey, what happened?" I asked soothingly, he stood up straight and although he was a rather short guy he still towered over me.

"I-I ran to the bathroom." He begun.

"Yeah." I waited for him to proceed.

"A-And pete came in and I was crying and I got angry and upset and so did he and I upset him and now he hates me!" He spluttered our through tears. Chris got out from the car, locking eyes with me and putting a gentle hand on Patrick's spine.

"W-Who's this!? Your boyfriend?" He questioned, jealously layered his voice.

"My brother," I smiled softly, holding Patrick's hand and running my thumb over his knuckles.
"Look, I'm sure he doesn't hate you. Why don't you come home with me and I'm sure Chris will lend you some clothes and you can have come hot chocolate and calm down, okay?" I smiled, asking him. He looked at me.

"W-With the little marshmallows and cream...?" He mumbled shyly, I chuckled and nodded.

"Yes Patrick, there will be marshmallows and cream." I assured him, his face lit up like a Christmas tree as I led him to the side of the car and opened the back door for him.

He slid his way in and as did I in the front. Chris soon joined us.

It Was Nice Knowing You Can Hold Coffee. (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now