Chapter Twenty

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I Don't Want You To See Him Anymore.

Sarah's P.O.V
My mind went blank as they continued to explain the things that could have and did cause this.
"Depression, liver failure, alcohol positioning, 'heart break syndrome'," I quickly stopped him in his tracks.

"W-Wait... What's that?" I asked, curiously waiting for a reply.

"The syndrome is a temporary heart condition that's often brought on my stressful situations, such as the death of a loved one. The condition can also be triggered by a serious physical illness or surgery. People with this condition can experience the same pain as a heart attack or have sudden chest pains. And in some cases left untreated it can cause worse damage." He explained. I blinked.

"How the fuck did you know he had that then." I growled.

"It's all to do with the heart. And we didn't but in this case we assume he did." He said calmly.

"So you basically fucking guessed," I growled, walking off and letting Chris tend to this asshole.

Patrick was no where in sight, my anxiety peeked. Where the fuck could he be! He's my boyfriend! I needed him in a time like this.

Patrick's P.O.V
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shiiit!" I muttered to myself, running over to Pete. He called me saying that 'something huge was happening to the band,'. I know I should be with Sarah but this would only take a few seconds.

Each one of my band mates looked ecstatic, Andy was happily chirping away to Joe, Joe and his tall ass were smiling like a lunatic.

Pete ran over and hugged me.
"We're going on tour!" He yelped, giggling. I froze.

"W-What?" I began to smile and jump, pulling all three of my friends into a group hug. 
"This is fucking awesome!" I yelled.  I checked my watch.

"Shit, guys I gotta go. I need to be with Sarah," I heard all of the guys groan as I went back to the hospital.

I walked over to Sarah who was giving me the worlds angriest scowl.
"WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU." She screamed, causing everyone to look at us.

"P-Pete called me," I mumbled quietly.


I felt so guilty. Her older brother Chris walked over. Fuckkkk.

"I don't think you should see him anymore." He stated, I stared at him in shock. Who was he to dictate my fucking relationship.

"Neither do I." Sarah said, sheepishly. I began to tear up.

"W-What?" I asked,

Sarah's P.O.V
I was pissed off at him. He left me.
"Leave Patrick," I muttered, he went to grab my wrist to pull me closer.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled, he refused o let go. His blue eyes flooding out tears.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME PATRICK," I screamed, slapping him. I hated to hurt him, more than anything. But, I wasn't in a good place right now and I didn't want him getting hurt more than this will.

He let go off me, crying.
"I loved you!" He yelled, storming out. I didn't let myself cry infront of everyone, I simply looked at my brother and said.

"I'm ready to go home now,"

(Smut Warning)

Patrick's P.O.V
I growled, going home. How could she be such a bitch!

"Patrick?" Callie asked, from my front porch. I didn't turn to face her, I couldn't. She was Sarah's best friend. Anger pounded through my veins. 

"A-Are you okay?" She asked cautiously, placing a comforting hand on my back. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into me.

What a way to get back at Sarah, fucking her best friend.

No Patrick. You can't think like that.

I looked at her, she seemed scared but also curious. I forced my lips against hers, I felt her freeze. She was with Pete. What was I doing!

I felt her lips move against mine. I was shocked for her to do this to pete. Soon nothing other than lust and anger clouded my mind.

I dragged her up to my room and almost threw her onto the bed. I watched as she panted and slowly undressed herself, I licked my lips.

Pleased with the sight I crawled above her and began to suckle marks over her breasts. I heard a soft noise escape her parted lips, her hands tangling in my hair.

My lips continued down south, kissing marks over her hips, she moaned and pushed my head further down. I chuckled and looked up at her through my lashes. I dragged my finger down her folds, her body shivered as I kissed her.

I flickered my tongue over her folds, then gliding it back and forth over her clit. Her back arched from the bed and her hands gripped my hair, I slid a finger inside of her and curled it. Her breath hitched, I began to slowly pump my one finger back and forth. Rubbing it the best I can against her g-spot.

She gasped and bucked against my finger.
"Fuck!" She squealed. Her hands pulling against my hair. I softly moaned trying to arouse her more. I pulled my finger out, she whined. I licked it clean and I kicked my jeans off.

Her hand slid to my boxers as she began to palm me, I moaned and let my head hang. She slid my boxers off, my dick bounding out.

She wrapped her hand around it and kissed the tip, slipping her hand back and forth. I moaned, tilting my head back.

I hovered above her and threw my jacket and shirt off, I wrapped my hand around my dick and positioned it. She forced herself onto me, whimpering at the sudden stretch.

I kissed her ear,
"I'm a little bigger than Pete princess." I teased, giving her a second before violently slamming into her. I gave her no preparation, no easing into it. She yelped and dug her nails into my arms. I moaned loudly my hand creeping to her breast.

I squeezed it and she giggled, her giggle was cut off with a choked moan.
"Fuck me, Patrick!" She screamed, wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me closer.

"I am baby, I-I am." I stroked her cheek then reached down to her clit and began to rub the hardened ball of nerves.

Soon, her moans and screams blended into one noise, I felt myself growing closer to my climax. I gasped, I forgot a condom. Fuck! I'll pull out. I'll just pull out. Her breathing became labored.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Y-ah-fuck. Your dick it's so good fuck me ah!" She muttered out, bouncing her way off of my dick.

I heard her pants grow closer together.
"I-I'm-I'm-"I cut her off by kissing her and sucking on her lip.

Her head threw its way back and he lightly shook. I moaned and threw my head about, I came in her and gripped her arm.

I watched as she shook, did I do something wrong?

I wrapped my arms around her, her eyes rolling back. I watched as she came and relaxed into me.
"W-Whoa," she breathed.
"T-t-that was like... A-An explosion! B-But a good one!" She giggled, assuming she had an orgasm I hugged her.

Let's just hope she doesn't get pregnant.

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