Chapter Nineteen

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Once again, we're lost.
Pete's P.O.V
I held my girlfriends hand tightly, sitting at the wooden bench. She smiled at me and lightly squeezed my hand.

I gently kissed her. Though I wasn't extremely attracted to her I still liked her. And, I would hate to hurt her.
"I really like you, Pete," she smiled, I pecked her forehead.

I watched as Patrick's girlfriend, Sarah, slowly shuffled into school. She had a big grey hoodie on, which I assumed was Patrick's, joggie bottoms and her makeup was just barley applied.

Patrick flew to her feet, he stumbled a few times. He envelopes her into a hug, they both began to sob.

"W-Wait here," I mumbled into Callie's hair as I kissed her head. I got up and began to walk to Patrick, in the corner of my eye I saw Callie curiously watching me.

I placed a hand on Patrick's back.
"Hey," I said softly, he looked at me and wiped his own tears.

"Uhm, h-hey Pete," he said, wiping his girlfriends face and sadly smiling at me. I watched as Callie walked over and linked her into mine.

I watched as Sarah's expression changed looking at Callie. She seemed angry.
"YOU DITCHED ME FOR SOME GUY," she screamed at Callie. Callie hid behind me and stuttered.

"MY MOM IS DEAD AND MY DAD IS A DRUNK. BUT, OH WAIT. YOU WOULDN'T KNOW WOULD YOU." Sarah continued to scream, Callie's eyes began to water. I watched as people began to go silent and watch.

Patrick tried to get Sarah to stop.
"NO, YOURE MEANT TO BE MY BEST FRIEND." She cried, the principle and the student guidance councilor began to walk over.

"Come with us," The councilor said softly, Sarah looked at him then at Patrick. He kissed her temple reassuringly. She reluctantly followed them.

Sarah's P.O.V
I sighed as I sat in the principles chair.
I looked at them both, their faces seemed concerned.

"Sarah, we know about your loss. We believe you should take some time off of school. And, we believe you should have therapy," the principle spoke. I began to cry. I didn't want to leave school. I didn't want to have therapy. I didn't want to be away from Patrick. I wanted to stay. I wanted to scream. I wanted my mom.

"We understand this may be hard for you," the council soothed. I scowled at him. He sighed and handed me the papers for therapy.
"Sign These And give them to your dad." He added. I took them and stood up.

"Can I go home now." I snapped, they sighed and nodded. I walked out to the courtyard and softly kissed my boyfriend.
"Walk me home," I whispered, he nodded holding my hand.

He walked me home. I knocked on the door hoping my father was still awake. I waited a few minutes and with no reply I decided to see if it was open. Of course it was!

I walked in.
"D-Daddy?" I stuttered, Patrick wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm sure he's okay." Patrick smiled, softly kissing my head.
I slowly prowled up the stairs, my fathers door was open. He usually kept it closed. I slowly pushed the creaking wood further open.

"Daddy?" I whispered, looking at Patrick. His face seemed nervous, I looked around at the dark room. I glanced to the side of the bed.

(Trigger Warning?)

There was my father. Laying lifeless, bottles emptied around him. I stood in shock as Patrick ran over and began to try give my father CPR. My fathers lips were blue. I knew it was too late.

Patrick was trying his best. I stared at him, I sat myself on the large double bed and laid on my back.

I heard coughing, I jumped up and smiled.
"Daddy!" He jumped up and hugged me tightly. He smiled and hummed to me.
"I'm okay baby, I'm okay, I'm sorry," he whispered. Combing my hair everything felt at piece.

Patrick began to sob as he rang an ambulance, I hear them say it was too late. I sat on my knees at the end of the end. I began to vomit, I looked at Patrick.
"Patrick," I mumbled, he was still trying CPR.

"Patrick." I said more sternly. He didn't stop.
"PATRICK STOP WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO DISTURB THE BODY." I screamed, in realization of what I said I began to sob.

He wrapped me in a tight hug, crying into my hair. I gripped his shirt and cried, I heard the front door being pushed open. The paramedics looked at my father and began to ring the corner.

They sighed.
"Call this number if you need anything, the corners office should be here soon," they said. "I'm sorry for your loss," They said.

"Dad!? SARAH," Chris screamed, sprinting up the steps. I looked at him, my eyes stinging and my cheeks burning. Chris fell to his knees and began to cry. I walked over and threw myself into his arms.

Once again, we're lost.

It Was Nice Knowing You Can Hold Coffee. (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now