Chapter 14

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   I woke up with a terrible headache. I groaned as I rubbed my head, feeling a large bump in the back of my head.

    As I sat up the headache got worse as I started to have a light headed feeling. I blinked a few times to try and clear my blurry vision.

    I gasped as I realized I was in unfamiliar territory. The walls were grey, the bed that I was sitting on was comfy but not my own. The walls had on posters of bands and girls in bikinis on motorcycles. "Definitely a guys room" I said under my breath as I stood up and made cautious steps to the window.

    I moved the big blue drapes aside and saw that the sun was setting, leaving the sky with a beautiful pink and orange glow. The back yard spread out below, signifying that I was upstairs.

    That meant the time was late and I had no idea where I was. Panic started to set in as I sat on the bed and took a few deep breaths.

    I tried to recall all that happened. I remembered the slap, the park and that guy. Oh My Gosh! I'm in that old creeps house. I felt my skin crawl as I looked around the room. It was kinda decent, doesn't look like somewhere that guy would live.

    He seemed more like the messy apartment with beer bottles everywhere kind of guy. This room was in fact messy, but teenage kind of messy with the strong scent of cologne lingering in the air and dirty laundry in the corner kind.

     The door slowly started to creek open. I looked to see who was entering, but was surprised to see a cute little girl with brown hair in a ponytail and sparkly blue eyes instead of the man from the park.

    "I'm not supposed to be in here" she said in her tiny little voice as she hopped up beside me on the bed. "You're pretty" she said. "Thank you" I said a bit taken aback, but relaxed as I looked at her cute little face.

    "I'm Lillian, but you can call me Lilly" she said as she stretched out her hand to me. "Hello Lilly, I'm Miranda" I said, shaking her little hand. She smiled, showing that she missed a couple teeth.

     "How old are you Lilly?" I asked. "I'm this many" she said holding up 6 fingers. "Oh that's great" I said while ruffling her hair. She laughed and held my hand. "I like you" she said. "Well I like you too Lilly".

     "Do you know why I'm here?" I asked, hoping to get a bit of info from this little girl.

   "Well, my mom just went out and my brother told me not to come into his room, but I couldn't help it" she said with a nervous laugh. "Don't worry, I won't tell" I reassured her.

    So this dude still lives with his mom, ain't so tough huh. "Hey Lilly, what's your brother's name?" I asked. "Who, pooky bear?" she asked innocently. Pooky Bear, how much tougher can he get... Note the sarcasm.

     I could leave right now, but the responsible part of me doesn't want to leave Lilly here, unsupervised. "Hey Miranda, wanna bake some cookies with me, my mom won't mind" she suggests to me.

   I out my finger to my chin to appear as though I was in deep thought. "Well Lilly, that sounds like a great idea" I say and she jumps off the bed in glee.

    I follow her downstairs and into what I assumed right to be the kitchen. Some stuff were already laid out and I stared a bit confused. "Mom and I were gonna bake earlier but then she had to leave" she says, clearing up my confusion.

     "So what time should your brother get here?" I asked, not wanting to be here when he does.

   "He usually gets back around these hours. He's just gone to the fight club. He thinks I doesn't know, but I'm a pretty smart girl" she says, proud of herself.

   Fight club? We'll, I guess he regains his standard as a tough guy in my eyes.

   After about 30 minutes of mixing and folding, seeing that we baked from scratch, we put the cookies into the oven and there was flour everywhere.

   "Hey let's watch some tv till they are finished" said Lilly as she led me into the living room. After a couple minutes of watching Frozen, the door opened and somebody walked in.

   "Pooky Bear!" shouted Lilly. My body froze as I didn't want to be here when that monster returned. "I told you not to call me that Lilly" said the person, and my body froze even more, if that was possible, as I recognized the voice.

   I turned around slowly and came face to face with "Ashton?"


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Please check out my other book Diary of a Suicidal Teen and my other book Freyja

Thank you for reading this far. Lots of love

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