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My alarm said 8:00am, but my body told me to sleep. 

I could not be late on my last, first day. I dragged myself out of bed, forcing myself to put on a good face and make it through today. I'm not always this dramatic, today is just extra hard. I would have to face Daniel and his new toy. I wasn't in love with the guy but with the heartache I'm experiencing it would make more sense. I think I'm just more upset at the fact that my relationship that lasted most of my high school life had come to an end days before our last year of high school. What had we achieved in that time? Countless fights, tears, laughter, and a shit ton of memories. He had a kind heart, or so I thought until he cheated on me, and not even with the girl he's with now. With my best friend. Cliché, I know. Her and I aren't friends anymore, making today just that little bit harder. So, determined to make it through the day, I put on my nicest pair of jeans that slightly emphasise my ass and a Daniel's favourite singlet on me. I softly curl my hair and put on my daily makeup. I look good, given the fact that I have been in bed the past 3 days, not eating. Maybe this breakup was what was best.

Dad had already left for work so I made myself a piece of toast and grabbed my bag from it's hook in the hallway. I checked my phone and it was now 8:30am. Good timing. I locked the door and left. On any other day I would have caught a ride with Ashley but like I said, that friendship is over. And it wasn't even that far to walk. I needed this time to prepare myself anyway.

My school was nice, it didn't look like a prison but it wasn't too fancy either. Dad always got the best for me, and did his best with what he can afford. The caretaker was tending to the gardens, getting ready for the spring. My favourite season. I waved over to him and he waved back, he went under the radar and stayed to himself but on the odd occasion I would bring him some baking or a coffee on the cold mornings and I could tell we had formed a type of friendship. I would miss him. 
A few people waved and asked how the break went and I gave the normal replies. "Good, I slept a lot, blah blah." They didn't seem to notice by blunt replies, but they don't need to know. If the rest of today was going to be like that, then it was going to be long.  I got my schedule from the main office just as the bell rang, and checked my first class, it was English. My favourite. 

Class went by quickly, and so did the rest of the first half of the day. I kept to myself mostly, and ignored some stares. At first I thought it was because no one had seen me dress so casual but so hot before. But I soon came to realise that Daniel had told everyone about his summer break activities and how he had ended things because of my 'neediness'. This wouldn't have been a big deal, if our relationship was not in the public eye during our time together. He was a part of the Basketball team, and I was the cute girlfriend that everyone liked I suppose. I didn't like that term, but that's how everyone saw us. The typical high school popular kids relationship. I only found out about his recent hobby of storytelling by a text from Ashley, with another apology sent after the first message. I was stronger than this. I was a good person. I didn't get into fights. But dad always told me to stick up for myself when someone was being mean. So I did just that. I walked over to his usual spot and smiled when I saw the small crowd he had around him. Typical. 
I ignore the heads turning my way and the shocked look on his face as I walked up to him. He was sat on the fence at the back gate whilst his mates sat around the picnic table. 

"Maia? What do you want? Come to beg Daniel back?" I don't remember who said it, because as it left said persons mouth as I landed a hard slap on Daniel's cheek. Hard enough to leave my hand throbbing but I hid the pain. 
"How do you like being slapped the way you used to slap me?" I say, then turn and walking away. Making sure to sway my hips just that tad extra. 

Everyone took a moment to process what just happened, and so did I. I didn't mean to call him out like that, I didn't want everyone to know. But if I was going to grow up I had to start speaking the truth. And that started today by making sure everyone knew the type of boyfriend he had truly been.
I heard the footsteps behind me as I was just about to head to last period. 

"Maia?" Her familiar voice that used to bring so much joy now gave me the feeling of being sick. I continued walking. Old me would have stopped, heard her out. But it was just me from now on. You learn a lot about yourself when you get betrayed by the two closest people to you. She grabs my arm, and I turn around as she flinches. Did she think I would hit her too? God knows she deserved it. But she was still Ashley and I could not do that.

"What do you want?" I push my hair back, and collect myself. Finally being brought back to reality after the last few minutes. She collects herself and there is the Ashley I know. She asks if I'm okay. I laugh and laugh. Then I can't stop, they only stop when the tears start coming. She puts her arm around me but I shrug it off and walk straight out of school. That was not supposed to happen.

I find myself at the milkshake bar where Ashley and I used to hang out. I smile at the waitress and pray no one can tell I've been crying. I text dad to pick me up from here after work, and he sends a thumbs up emoji back. I giggle then order a vanilla milkshake when the waitress comes over to the booth I'm sat in.

"Thank you,"

It seems like forever waiting for the shake, so I preoccupy myself by looking for things that are a certain colour out the window. I was on black, and my eyes panned the parking lot. They land on a leather jacket hung over the seat of a motorcycle, they then spot the owner and as we lock eyes, the little devil on my shoulder whispered trouble into my ear. 

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