f i f t e e n

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Today was my birthday.
But I didn't want it to be. I check my phone and sigh when I see the messages. I put it back then pull the covers back over my head. The attention had finally died down at school and of course, my birthday will bring it straight back. All of the seniors celebrated each other's birthday. Whether said birthday girl/boy was there, (it was an excuse to just party). But I had to be there. I swore I would finish the last 4 weeks before exams. 

Dad knocks on my door, and opens it. "Morning, happy birthday." He's holding a small wrapped package. I was experiencing deja vu. He had the same expression on his face as when he handed me Mum's ring. I fiddled with the silver ring and started down at the ruby stones. It was beautiful, but every time I looked at it, I missed Mum. "I think that I should tell you some things. Maybe give you some closure?" My stomach sank. What was he about to tell me?
He hands me the parcel, but first I read the card.

Dear Maia,

Hello. It's me, Mum.

I wasn't sure when you'd be receiving this but I made sure your father knew it should be on your 19th birthday. 18 was still too young.

So Happy Birthday my love.

In the parcel is the matching necklace to your ring. 
These are from a very prestigious jeweller, 

and you can never give them away. 

They were a gift from a man in Empira. Perhaps you have 

heard of them? I'm sure by now you've heard of the Crimson Adders. 
Please, if you can, stay away. I have learned the hard way. 
Don't trust them, you can't. 

You were never meant to be involved in their life but I'm afraid
that my bad decisions have impacted that. 
Your father will tell you the rest. 
Do not get mad, please. Know we love you.

Mum x

"Oh." That hadn't given me any clearance, in fact, I was more confused than ever.

"Do you want to know more?" He looks saddened.

"Yes." He winces and makes himself comfortable for what is coming next.

"The gangs. They're more involved in our life than I hoped. Your mother, before you were born, and before we were married, was romantically involved with the old leader of Empira. But she also has relations in the Crimson Adders. I guess you could put together how that went. 

She was supossed to join the Crimson Adders, it's in her blood. But love got in the way.
I was training to be a cop, and during a raid I met her in a store room with the old Empira leader. I had never seen one so beautiful. 

He assumed she narked on him and things went very south from there." He pauses. "Her and I got together shortly after. Things were good. We married, you know that part. You were conceived. The gang leader wasn't happy. He targeted us quite frequently, but I kept us safe. Until that day. 
The bullet was meant for me, but she got in the way." A single tear falls down his aged face, and I've never seen him more broken. I place a hand on his own, and he gives a small smile. 

"Dad, I, I'm sorry." I was angry this was all kept from me. 
Was this why Dad was so adamant on finishing this thing with the gangs? Was it payback? Was he going to be in danger? "Are you safe?" I whisper.

"Yes. But let me warn you, now that you're 19, you may be sought after. By the head of the Crimson Adders." I shudder. how close I was to that happening, how easy I would be to find. Suddenly it hit me. Did Noelle, Beau, Julien, did they know? 

"For what?" 

"To join them." It was in my blood. 


"Noelle, be honest." She stiffens, holding the milkshake in her hand. I asked her to meet me at the diner during my lunch. She obliged, it being my birthday and all. 

"Why ruin a birthday with such odd questions?" 

"You're trying to divert this conversation. Tell me, am I supposed to be apart of the Crimson Adders."

"It's not that simple, Maia." She sighs. "Yes it is in your blood. But there are complications." 

"What kind?"

"Well for one, your father. Julien. And what you choose." How could I forget. Dad would be horribly disappointed. "I think I'm not the right person to talk too about this. Maybe you need to meet my father."

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