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I make my way to the diner, and rehearse what I might say to him.

I had no idea what I would say, and if I was being real, I didn't even know if he would be there.

I enter the street that the diner is on and walk inside the door. The air was warm compared to the outside breeze. I take of my coat and before looking around to see if he was here, I walk into the bathroom to make sure the walk hadn't screwed up my makeup or hair. It had just gone past 11:00am, and there seemed to be only old people here for their Sunday breakfast. No sign of Julien or anyone else from the Crimson Adders. 

I took a seat at the booth where I first saw him and ordered a grilled cheese and a vanilla milkshake. How long was I willing to wait?

Not long, apparently. As soon as I'd finished one half of the grilled cheese I hear the familiar sound of the motorbikes. I wondered why, if they had such fancy cars, they felt the need to ride the bikes. Was it to emphasise the fact that, yes, they were in a gang?

I take a sip of the milkshake and put my head down. God Maia, now was not the time to go shy. I twist the serviette around my fingers, pulling apart the white paper, and the bell rings as the diner doors open. I hear a girl laugh, then go silent, then whispers, "Julien? She's here." I hear her heels walk towards me, and I swallow. Who was she?

"Bonjour! You don't know me, but I am Noelle." She extends out her freshly manicured hand and I shake it, locking eyes with the beautiful blue eyes brunette. "Julien's sister." My arms stiffens and she can definitely tell. Oh god.

"Maia." I whisper. 

"Oh I know! Julien has told me a lot about you," she takes a seat across from me, perfectly tucking her legs so she doesn't show up her skirt. She smiles, and I realise she seems pretty nice. Grow some balls Maia, look for him. I look up, and struggle to find him. "It seems my brother has gone shy, would you like me to call him here?" She pulls out her phone, but I shake my head. Her accent was beautiful, just like Julien's.

"No,-" I put my hand back over hers, "I'm shy too." I laugh and so does she. She puts her phone down and stares at the ring on my finger. 

"I like that, where did you get it from?" She almost purrs. I look at my mother's ring. I was never sure, when she passed away, Dad came out of his room after a few hours and handed me a ring box and it was inside. But I wasn't about to indulge in this story to Noelle, whom I'd just met. "It suits you." We were interrupted by a tall blonde, who I later learned was Beau. He came and sat down next to Noelle and never stopped looking at me. I think Noelle could tell it made me uncomfortable because she asked him to go and get Julien. "Sorry, he's alot sometimes." She smiles and I smile back. I was beginning to like her more and more. "Can I have your phone?" Confused, I hand it to her and she says she's giving me her number. 

"Good idea." I smile, it seemed I had made a new friend. She slides my phone back to me, then I hear the thud of heavy boots. Two sets.

"Noelle. Maia." It was him. Julien takes a seat next to Noelle, and Beau sits next to me. I look at Maia for reassurance but she just shrugs and smiles. 

"Hey," I say, breaking the awkward silence. I guess I wouldn't be talking to him about the gang just yet. We all catch up, all three of them asking questions about myself and my childhood. They all seemed interested in me and I liked it. A new set of people. I seemed to have forgotten who they were. Noelle orders us all milkshakes and after about 20 minutes, we all feel comfortable with each other, some too comfortable. Beau puts his arm around me and I tense up. I look at Julien, who was fuming. Noelle is giggling to herself, masking it by pretending that it was something on her phone. I shift uncomfortably, and lean forward to break free of his touch. When I move he retreats back, and whispers something under his breath. I notice Julien take a deep breath and whisper something to Noelle. She nods and looks at me dead in the eyes.

"Maia, care to join me for some fresh air?" He asks, scouring at Beau.

"Sure," I grab my jacket and wait for Beau to let me out. As soon as I'm standing he slides back into the seat and him and Noelle start talking again, she sends a wink my way as I take Julien's hand and he leads me outside. 

"I was hoping to see you again," he whispers into my ear as we stop outside by the bikes.

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