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From the moment my head hit the pillow, Julien filled my mind.

"Maia, follow me, I want to show you something." I take his tattooed hand and he leads me into the elevator. Every part of my body was on fire, just his look and his touch were enough to ignite the previously dim fire inside of me. I never felt this was with David. "Don't be scared." He could sense it then. I wasn't that scared, only a little bit. More nervous. He smiles down at me. Without hesitation I reached my hands into his hair and kissed him. 
He pushed me against the elevator wall and continued to kiss me harder, with an urge. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and breathed in his cologne. He smelt like danger, he was a predator and I was his prey. 
When the doors open, he stops and collects himself but I can still feel him on my lips. I smirk, wondering where he was taking me. "Where are we going, Julien?" I ask, holding on tightly to his hand, running my thumb over his knuckle tattoos. 

"A secret." We were in a parking garage and there were only very expensive cars in here, he takes me over to a Lexus and opens the door for me. "Hop in." He laughs. This was my first time at his 'house' and though he was humble about it, I could see how rich him and his family were. There was also a sign of a girl living here, he said it was his sister. I wondered when I could meet her.
I get into the car and he get's in the drivers side and pulls out of the garage easily. He drives out the garage and we are on the road, he laughs to himself and my nerves are high. I have never been this nervous.
After about 10 minutes of driving, he pulls into a large complex. Who knows what was here, it could be anything. I notice the motorbikes first, then as he slows down, looking for a park, I see people. I assume, gang members. "Should I be here? Isn't there something about not letting strangers in?"
His grip tightens as he erupts into laughter. "You aren't a stranger, Maia. You have always been one of us."-

What the fuck. I sit up, wiping the sleep from my eyes and check my phone. It was only 5:00am, but that dream had knocked the shit out of me. I get out of bed and put on a hoodie that was draped over my wicker chair. It was cold. I tiptoe past dad's room and go to the kitchen to make a tea. I couldn't comprehend what just happened in my dream. Never have I had a dream so vivid. I wince at the hot drink as I take a sip, then I head to the lounge and curl up on the sofa. What did it all mean?

When it was finally a decent time, I took a shower. I'd let dad sleep in but I needed to shower, and get my shit together. I wanted to see Julien again. and I wanted to look good. 

I washed my hair and took extra time making sure my legs were shaved properly. Once I was out and dressed, I took a look at myself in the mirror. Nope.
I head back to my room and pick out an outfit, I want girly. But hot. As I scanned my eyes through my clothes, my eyes landed on a white dress. This will do I think to myself. I paired it with nude heels and got the rest of myself ready. I lightly curled my hair, and did my makeup. I looked like I was going to an actual event, not just to see a very attractive guy. They could be considered the same things though? 

I must've shocked dad, because when he came into the kitchen to make breakfast, he looked as though I was a stranger. I felt like one too.

"Going somewhere?" He asks, turning the jug on. I smile and nod.

"Yeah, movies." The first lie was always the worst.

"With a guy?"

"Yeah." I blush, perfect. 

"Okay, well, be good." He turns his back and continues making his breakfast and I leave the house. He was good, he never hovered and gave me the space to do my own things. I just felt bad that I was misusing my freedom to speak to Julien.

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