t h i r t e e n

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I wake up to a snoring Ashley at around 5:30am. I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep so I just leave her to it. Putting on my dressing gown, I tread slowly and quietly out to the kitchen. To my surprise, the light was on and Dad was sat at the bench. 

"Morning," he grumbles, holding a steaming mug of coffee in his hand.

"Hey, what time did you get home tonight?" I open the cupboard and pull out a mug, pouring the fresh coffee into it. 

"Just now." He huffed. I could see his job was taking a toll on him, and I wondered when he would resign. His eyes were tired, his body slouched. he used to be so full of life, and I missed him. "I'm sorry for not being home. Is Ashley here?" 

"Yeah. Boy trouble." I decided now was not the time to tell him about David, he had enough on his plate. "I've got to get ready for school. Will you be home tonight?" he nods, and I leave the room, cup in hand. I had a test today and I knew I was going to fail. I had completely forgotten about it. I go back into my room and Ashley is still sleeping. It was only 6ish and technically we didn't need to be awake until 7:30am. I Sit at my desk, writing down some notes that I knew would probably come up in the test, and read them thoroughly. Oh god, I was royally screwed. My phone buzzes on my bedside table and lights up with a message. 

I want you back. -David

My stomach drops as I quickly erase the message, leaving no trace. I put the phone back down, but not before checking if Noelle had replied. She hadn't. And there was no message from Julien either. I sigh, knowing it was for the better, and pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was going to be a warm day but there was already a breeze so I wore jeans just to be safe. Ash sighed as she rolled over, a small smile on her face. She checks her phone and groans, "do we have to go to school?" I nod. I definitely did. And if I was going to suffer, so she could see. it might even take her mind off things. 

"Get dressed. I'll make us some toast." I brush my hair as she heaves herself out of bed and trudges to the bathroom, my throw wrapped around her. I had missed this. I mentally tell myself off for forgetting my coffee and grimace as the lukewarm liquid meets my mouth. Disappointing. 
After I was satisfied with how I looked, I went back out to the kitchen, passing Dad in the hallway. "I'm going to bed." I smile and kiss his cheek. 

"I love you."

"You too."

I was ready to get through today with hopefully no sign of either Julien or David. I just wanted my school days to go back to normal. I pop two pieces of toast in and wait for them to cook, leaning against the bench. How would I tell Dad about David? Without worrying him more? I knew it was the right thing to do, but could I do it? My daydream was abruptly disbanded by  both the toaster popping and Ash walking in.  She looked decent, given what was probably running through her head right now. "Feel good?"

"As good as I could be." She smiles, taking a piece of toast and buttering it. I watch her spread the butter all the way around the edges, and laughed when her knife dug too much into the bread. "Shit." She was upset, clearly still soft after her day yesterday. I take the knife from her and pull her into a hug. 

"I'm sorry." I whisper. 

"Me too."


Safe to say I failed that test. 
As soon as I sat down and opened the book, I knew I was screwed. But it wasn't like this one test would decide my whole future, so I decided to let it go. But I told myself it couldn't happen again. Not if I wanted to get into Harvard, their English program was exactly what I wanted. It was something I shared in common with Mum, she had wanted to go there but falling pregnant with me put everything on hold. I often remember feeling like it was my fault that she didn't get everything she wanted from life but Dad reassured me that I completed both of their lives and that was all they wanted. I put my pen down and look around the class, there were a few with their head still in the booklet and others sending 'help' looks around the room. I laughed silently, thankful I wasn't the only one screwed. 
Mr Owen indicated that our time was up, making a few jokes with some of the jocks in the front row. He wasn't your typical English teacher, he was younger, maybe mid 30's. He dressed like he was ready to go on a date at some hip lounge, and always cracked the jokes with the jocks. He was so casual, and such a good teacher that we all had total respect for him and wanted to succeed in his class. I also should add, that he was quite popular with some of the senior girls. Had he not been a teacher, they would've pounced already. He walks around to collect the booklets, and hovers by my table.

"Maia, are you alright? You seem, distracted." He takes the paper that I was holding for him and waits for a response. His eyes are not on my face, but my arm. Crap, crap, crap. I reach around for my jacket as  I tell him I'm fine, just tired. He smiles and leaves. I hope he doesn't call Dad. I gather my papers and rush out of class before he tries to hold me back. As I round the corner, I am shoved by another group of teens in a rush, and am pushed into none other than David. I tighten my grip on my bag strap and try to keep walking but he stops me as the herd of teens push past us. 

"Maia, hey." I keep trying to walk away but he moves in front of me. "Talk to me, hear me out."

"Don't do this, not here, not now. Not ever." I look for someone I know in the waves of bodies but no safety. He almost growls and pulls me out of the way of a kid in a wheelchair. Everything happened so quickly and I could feel my heart race. He wouldn't try anything now would he? "David, let me go. Now." I step around him and feel a tug on my bag, pulling me back into him. 

"Don't you ever walk away from me. Follow me." I quickly shake off my bag and make a run for it. I hear him yell but don't turn back. I could get a new bag but I can't get a new life. I run into an empty class, and try to catch my breath. He has finally lost it, he's even doing this to me at school. I walk to one of the windows facing the cafeteria and pull out my phone from my pocket. I had a missed call from Noelle. I swipe her name for it to call and she answers straight away. I cut off her "hello, I miss you." 

"Help me." I whisper, all of the students were outside, it must be lunch. Everyone was having fun and I was stuck inside a classroom afraid of my crazy ex. Was he still in the hall? 

"Where are you?" I hear her call for someone, maybe Beau. "Maia! Where are you?" I walk over to the door, holding my hand over the speaker. I could vaguely hear his footsteps, coming closer every second. 

"School. Room 18. David's coming after me." I hang up. I hide myself in a cupboard and prey Noelle is quick. Maybe 5 minutes pass, and I hear the door open. whomever it was, they were puffing. But it wasn't a girl, it wasn't Noelle. 

"I know you're in here." David. He walks through the room, stomping his feet, stopping at every noise. Lunch was 20 minutes. It had been about 10. No one was going to be here for 10 long minutes. He would find me before that. I place my hand over my mouth, trying to calm myself down. "All I wanted was to talk. But you had to run, you ALWAYS RUN. For gods sake, you piss me off. Just come out, I will try not to hurt you." He put emphasis on the word try but it wasn't enough to make me come out. I hear some doors banging and footsteps running to the class, would that be Noelle? "Shit! Who'd you call Maia?! The cops? Your Dad? You fucked up big time girl. I'll get you for that." 

Heels. Noelle. "Excuse me, Sir. I would advise you leave now before my brothers take you out forcefully." He laughs, asking who they thought they were. "It doesn't matter who we are, you need to leave. Before this causes a scene." Someone walks over to my cupboard, and opens it. It was Beau. I fall into his arms, all previous hesitation towards him gone. 

"You bitch." David spits. Beau stands in front of me as David tries to take a step closer. Noelle moves quickly, almost like a fox. In a second, David was on the floor. 

"We need to go." Beau speaks, his accent calming me down. I hide behind him, his tall frame blocking David from my view. He turns to me, "do you have all of your stuff?" I shake my head. 

"He took my bag." 

"It's outside, come on, let's go." He takes my hand and Noelle takes another look around the room.

"Well it's no Jan Meadow." She laughs, taking my other hand. I squeeze it and she gives me half a hug. 

"Thank you."

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