f o u r

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Oh dear god. Had it not been for the loud noises, I might have fallen into a trance.
He was so beautiful, and he was looking right at me. The group stops their bikes and some walk into a bar but he stays still, staring at me. Feeling extremely self-conscious, I keep walking. I felt butterflies in my stomach but I also just wanted to run. I make it just 3 meters down the road before I hear the bike follow me. This is not happening. I stop dead in my tracks then turn to look at him again. He stops the bike and parks it, then he begins to walk up to me.

"Do you mind?" My tactic was to play it mean. If he was bad news, which it certainly seemed like it, I wanted to keep as far away as possible.

"No, I don't." French. Shit. Hot.

"Well, I would like to get back to school now. Thanks for stopping by." I put my headphones back in, but he didn't stop. I hear him chuckle behind me, and then footsteps. I purposely didn't play any music because I wanted to hear him leave. But now I am hearing the opposite. He's following me.

"What's your name?" He was still behind me but he could easily catch up if he wanted too.

"Why." I could feel him hot on my heels.

"Because, if I had a name to put your beautiful face too, it would make my life so much easier." He was covered in tattoos, everyone new that I was meeting recently was, but they were all so bunched up I couldn't make any of them up. I ignored the compliment because I had no idea to reply and inform him that I was going to be late for school. "I can take you." He shrugs, with a smirk on his face.

"Um no thank you. I don't know you, and personally, those bikes scare me." I look back at his death trap.

He laughs. "My name is Julien. And you are?"

"Nice name, but I'm not going to tell you mine." I smile and walk, telling myself that I'm not going to stop again. School was only around the corner. I check my phone, I could make it in time. I knew he was following me but I ignored it. To my dismay, there was a group of David's friends hanging out in the grass in front of the school. Shit shit shit. I started to panic, for sure they would say something.

And I was right. "Hey Maia!! David's really pissed at you! Best not show your face tomorrow!" I turn to look back at Julien, praying he was gone but he wasn't. Instead he was giving the death stare to David's friends. I have no idea what to do, but before I know it, Julien was by my side pulling me away from the school. "Stop! What are you doing??" I pull from his grip and I knew this was turning into a spectacle for everyone to see. "Please," I whimper. I didn't want to feel this fear again. When he hears the pain in my voice he stops, he turns to look at me but I turn away. "Let me go. I don't know what you want with me but please, stop." I see David's friend start to walk over.

"They were threatening you. Why?" His voice softens, the french accent becoming thicker.

"My ex." Why was I telling him this.

"Well Maia, I want to take you home. If that's okay." I nod and he gives me his hand. Hesitantly I take it.

I felt bad because now he had to walk back to his bike, but I glad he took me home. But I noticed him tense up and we neared my drive. I let go of his hand and said I would be fine from here. "No it's fine. I'll walk you in." He looks at Sabine's house then quickly puts his attention back to me.

"Do you know Sabine?" I ask as I place the lock in my door.

"You could say that." I didn't really want to invite him inside and he seemed itchy to get back to his bike. I wondered if the guys he was with were asking where he went. "I should probably get going."

"Sorry for losing my shit at you. And thank you for today." I didn't know whether to go in for a hug. No, too soon. He would probably feel my heart racing against my chest.

Instead, he gives me a half-hearted embrace. And that's when I see it.
The snake tattoo.

He doesn't notice my change in mood, but I wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. I mumble a goodbye then go inside. Locking the door behind me. Oh no. What have I done? 

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