Chapter 7 just a little incident

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Rose's P.O.V

I stood in front of my opponent with a kuni in hand, but slightly out of breath. Then again so was he.

The grass ninja had a nasty smirk plastered on his face: "Ready to give up little lady?"

: "Not a chance." I threw the kuni at him, but he easily dodged to the side throwing one back in the process.

While diving to the side, i pulled out a handfull of shiriken throwing them at his blind spot, but he just jumped into the air to aviod being hit. He turned in the air to look at me. 'Wait a minute.' I quickly jumped back barely avoiding being blow to peices from a hidden paper bomb.

My opponent appeared in front of me: "Nice reflexes." He kicked me in my chest sending me back a few feet. "But it won't be enough to beat me!"

He slid underneth me kicking me into the air making me cough out a bit of blood, but when he jumped up after me...

Weaving hand signs: "Water style- Water bullets!" I blasted him with a high chakra infused ball of water. We both fell to the ground, but he still wasn't done yet. "Wind stlye- Pierceing Gale!" A huge wind rushed past the grass ninja cutting into his skin as it went as well as stealing the air from his lungs.

I shakingly stood watching, waiting to see what he would do, but after a few moments he collasped face down: "Finally."

Kiba's P.O.V

I smiled as the instuctor anounced Rose the winner of the match, but as soon as he did i noticed something attached to her leg: "What is..." Looking a little closer i realized. "Rose! There's a paper bomb on your leg!"

As soon as she looked down the tag exploded. I jumped over the railing and ran over to her, but when i got there she had covered her shin in a layer of water greatly reducing the amount of damage the tag could have done.

Rose had a pained expression, but smiled at me: "I can't believe i didn't notice that." The nurses quickly came and got her on a stretcher, but before she was carried away. "Good luck with your match kiba." I raised an eyebrow at her. "You're going to need it."

I turned away to look up at the screen. (Kiba inuzuka vs. Naruto uzumaki)

Rose's P.O.V

: "Oh my's so boring in here." Of course right after i said that Kiba was wheeled in and put in the bed next to mine. I tried to see past all the nurses scurring around. "Um, excuse me? " One of the nurses did turn to look at me. "Is he ok?"

The nurse kindly smiled at me: "He's just pretty beat up and low on chakra, but nothing to be real concerned about." I nodded and she turned back around pulling out more bandage wrap.

After they finished wrapping him up, they all left the room. I waited a few moments before i carefully got up and hobbled over to kiba pulling myself up to sit at the foot of the bed. Akamaru was glad to see me, he trotted across the bed and currled up in my lap. He let me pet his head as we waited for Kiba to wake up. Which wasn't to much later.

Kiba stirred in his sleep, his eyebrows furrowed, mouth set in a slight frown. Eventually he groaned opening his eyes: "Ouch, that naruto.."

: "Told you were going to need it."

Kiba slightly jumped at the sound of my voice: "Sheesh Rose, scare me why don't ya."

I chuckled: " you doing? He didn't get you to bad did he?"

Kiba shook his head: "Nah, if anything he should be in here as well. I put a hurting on him pretty good, but that guy just doesn't know when to quit. He ran right up the stairs when the match ended."

: "That sounds like him." I leaned forward a bit, causing Kiba to blush. "You sure you're ok? It looks like you hit your head."

Kiba: "Huh," He reached up and touched the swollen bump on his forehead, only to quickly pull away. "Ouch!"

He started to reach for it again, but i grabbed his wrist: "If it hurts don't touch it." Kiba stared at my hand making me slowly let go. "Sorry."

But Kiba took my hand back: "It's ok." I blushed."You look cute like that."

Raiseing an eyebrow: "Like what?"

Kiba: "When you're shy and when you blush. The pink on your cheeks look just like a rose."

: "So do your's when you blush."

Kiba turned slightly away, his cheeks turning pink: "I don't blush."

I laughed pointing at his cheeks: "Your blushing right now."

Kiba: "It's only because i kinda like you."

: "I kinda like you to Kiba."

Kiba shook his head: "No, I'm not joking." He sqeezed my hand. "I really like you."

Don't worry....A Kiba Inuzuka love storyWhere stories live. Discover now