Chapter 5

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-chapter five-

(juliana's pov)

The memory of Ashton kept playing over and over in my head. How could you do that to a person? I gave him all of my love, and he took total advantage of me. Luke must've noticed my discomfort, because he reached over and patted my leg.

"Julie, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier... It's just Ashton, he-"

"No Luke, really, it's okay. I wouldn't have asked you to betray a friend like Ashton,"

"Woah, Ashton is not my friend. I was only slightly okay with hanging out with him, because he was your boyfriend," so Luke and Ashton weren't friends, I had just assumed since they had talked so much before. Luke moved his hand away from my leg, and I took that as a signal for the end of the conversation. For the rest of the ride neither Luke nor I made a move to speak.

We finally arrived back at Luke's house, and it was already dark. We got out of the car, and made our way to the front door. I stood and waited as Luke tried to get the door open, using all of his keys at least twice before he finally got it open. I walked forward, thinking Luke would have also. But instead I ran straight into him.

"Luke, what the hell," I said, still against his back. He turned around and looked at me, putting his hands on my shoulders, his eyes were all of the sudden full of regret.

"Luke, what's wron-" I was cut off by Luke's lips crashing into mine. Our lips moving together, perfectly in sync. I could feel the sparks radiating off of us. I had never felt this way before, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered rapidly to the beat of my heart. When we finally broke apart, I longed for his kiss even more than I did before. Had I wanted to kiss him before? I was sure we were mad at each other.

"Oh my god, Julie I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No Luke it was great, I-I don't think I've ever felt that way before, although I wouldn't remember if I did, but really that was amazing," I rambled on to Luke who looked even more regretful than before.

"Now I feel even worse about kissing you. Ugh I'm so stupid, why couldn't I just keep my feelings on the inside..." Luke mumbled while pulling his hair, as though he was trying to rip it out. I reached up and pulled his arms down by the elbows.

"Luke, stop freaking out. Why is it bad that I enjoyed that... Didn't you?" I was so embarrassed oh my god, what if I was bad at kissing? My cheeks suddenly got hot.

"No no Julie I really loved it, but there's a problem. We-we can't do that again," Luke said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Why not?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"I have a girlfriend, we started dating after you were admitted to the hospital. I thought I lost you Julie, I needed someone there, and Veronica was right by my side the whole time," he told me while looking down at his feet.

(luke's pov)

I can't believe I just kissed her.

I've been wanting to kiss her since we first met.

That day was so clear in my mind. She was in second grade, and I was in third. Our classrooms were conjoined by a single wooden door. I went into her classroom to borrow some markers, but I really had to pee. The boys and girls shared one bathroom, so I rushed over to the door painted with designs and fish swimming across it. I didn't bother to knock, I just had to go that bad. I guess that was a bad idea, because there was a little brown haired girl sitting on the toilet. Except she wasn't using the bathroom for what you would usually use it for. She was sitting on the the toilet seat, crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked her walking over to where she was sitting. She sniffled a few times, then answered me.

"Billy called me ugly!" She continued to cry, and I rubbed her back like my mum used to when I was upset.

"Well Billy is very wrong," I whispered in her ear.

"He is?" She looked up to me with big, shiny green eyes.

"Definitely," she stood up and gave me a big hug. I couldn't help but smile at how happy she seemed. Since that day I made it my mission to make sure she felt beautiful, because she really was. Everyday I saw her, I would tell her how nice she looked, or I would just simply call her beautiful. We instantly became best friends.

As our kiss deepened I began to think about Veronica, my girlfriend. I can't be kissing Julie, I have Ronnie. I instantly pulled away from the best kiss I had ever experienced. She looked up to me, her lips swollen and her eyes glossed over like she just woke up from an amazing dream. Veronica and I met at the hospital the day after Juliana crashed. She came and sat next to me since I was all alone. She introduced herself and it turned out she was there because her dad was in a car crash. I began to tell her all about Julie and I. She listened so intently, I knew I wanted her to be with me while I waited for Juliana to wake from her coma. I stopped talking about Julie and I, and asked her out on a date. She said yes, and for once I wasn't thinking about how in love I was with my best friend, but I was thinking about this amazing girl who will sit and listen to me talk about another girl at two in the morning. After I told Juliana about Veronica, she looked hurt. Almost as hurt as when she showed up at my doorstep the night Ashton cheated on her. She looked up at me wide eyed.

"Why'd you kiss me then dumb ass!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry I just, had to..." She shoved past me into the house, and started climbing the stairs to her room.

"Whatever Luke," she continued walking with out even looking back.

Wow, I really messed up didn't I?

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