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"Come on Daddy! I have to go to school!" My little girl squealed while pulling my sleeve.

"Okay baby, hold on. I have to get my coat," it was December, and since I was forced to move to New York with my wife, I had to adapt to the cold.

"Come onnnnn," my daughter Juliana jumped up and down waiting for me to unlock the car.

"Okay," I chuckled, "I'm coming, I'm coming."

We made it to the car, and I helped her in, then got in myself.

"Can we listen to Teenie-Weenies?" Juliana asked me, her long brown hair falling into her eyes.

"Sure sweetie, whatever you want," I said while reaching over to fix her hair. She put the cd in and started singing along to a song about tying your shoes. 'Doesn't do the Spongebob shoe tying song any justice.' I thought to myself.

When we finally arrived at her elementary school, I hopped out of the car and walked over to Juliana's door. I opened the car door and reached in, to pick her up under her arms.

"WEEEEEE," she yelled as I spun her around, and set her on the pavement.

"You be a good girl today okay?" I asked while walking into the school.

When we reached the lobby I talked to the secretary for a few minutes about where Juliana would be going, and what she would be doing. and before I knew it my little girl was attending her first day of school.

"Bye daddy!" she said reaching up to hug me.

"Bye baby girl," I said reaching down to return the hug, "I love you."

"I love you too Daddy," she said then skipped away, he backpack bouncing up and down on her back.

I patted my pocket to make sure the slip of paper was still there, and walked out of the school. I had one more errand to run that day, then I could spend the day at home.

After about ten minutes I turned into the Meadow Lane Cemetery. I drove slowly towards the back, leisurely making my way to my favorite place to be: right next to the girl I love. I pulled up to her gravestone.

Juliana Prescott


loved friend, she will be missed

I knew that she wouldn't like that message. it didn't describe her at all. she wasn't just a friend, and she won't just be missed.

She was my life, she was my everything, and I knew I couldn't live without her. Which explains why my life was the way it was. I wasn't living, I was surviving. Those are two very different things.

"Hey Julie," I said sitting down next to her gravestone. I reached into my pocket and unfolded the note she had left under the carpet that night.

"I've read this at least one million times in the last fifteen years," I said skimming the note once again.

"I still can't believe you're gone Julie, I miss you more and more everyday, and I keep looking foreword to seeing you later in life. it'll have to be a lot later because I have little Juliana to look after," I smiled at the thought of my little girl, named after the love of my life who left this earth too early. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I took it out if my pocket to see that my wife Claudia was calling.

"Hi," I said answering.

"Hey, I thought you'd be home like ten minutes ago... where are you?"

"I just had to make a few stops, I'll be there in a few, okay?"

"Sure, whatever Luke. you don't need to tell me what you go to do every single fucking Monday morning. I'll stay here thinking that maybe my husband is having an affair," she said, then hung up.

"Ughhhhhhhhh," i sighed out loud.

"It should've been you Julie, it should've been you that I married, and we should have a beautiful daughter. but I guess i can't change anything now. it's a little too late to save you now, and it's hard for me, but I'm starting to be okay with that."

"I should probably go before Claudia decides to come and find me or something, I'm almost positive she has a tracking device in my phone or something," I laughed.

"Bye Juliana, I'll see you next week okay?," I said while standing up and putting the note back into my pocket.

"I love you," I said with a hand on her gravestone, and a tear making its way down my cheek.

Once I composed myself I unlocked my car, and climbed in. I looked out the window, at Julie's grave, one last time before putting the car into drive, and driving back to my current life. The one that didn't have the love of my life, and the one where she wouldn't come back.

||||| okay!!! there ya go guys, that's the end. It was a little longer he first time I wrote it, but I like this version better :) in the end Luke was actually supposed to song her Amnesia, because he wrote it for her, but I decided to keep that out. well ily guys so much and thank you for sticking with me throughout this story. I have more fanfics in the works, all luke fanfics..... bit yeahhh. so if you want you can read those!!!! if you ever want to talk, just message me, or you can talk to me on twitter @iirwie ♡ ily guys!!!! peace out Girl Scouts |||||||

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