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Today was the day. The day that Georgie was found. The day that everything went back to normal, at least that's what Bill thought. The rest of the losers knew that nothing good would come out of the trip to the sewers. They all knew that Georgie was dead, but none of them had the heart to tell Bill. Especially y/n, she knew how fragile the boy could be. "Guys come on!" Bill spoke gesturing for them to enter the sewers. "That's grey water" Eddie stated shaking his head, y/n giggled at the boy and his overly dramatic fear of germs. She bent down folding up the bottom of her jeans, "Richie stop staring at her ass it's disgusting" Beverly spoke up hitting the boys shoulder. Y/n playfully rolled her eyes before standing up "oh my god really?" She questioned turning to face the now red boy, he smirked at her nodding proudly. Y/n shook her head slowly walking into the sewers "yeah no Eddie was right this shit is disgusting" she sighed pulling her sweater over her nose, Richie grinned thinking of yet another comment "you know y/n you should pull that sweater up a bit further" The girl just flipped him off not paying much attention, she wondered deeper into the sewers. Y/n bumped into something hard "oh hi bi-" She stopped dead in her tracks staring up at the thing towering over her. She fell back trying her hardest to scream, but nothing would come out it was silent. Y/n slightly turned her head to the side, knowing that if she turned any further that thing would get her, to face the losers, but they weren't there they were gone.. "H-h-hel-lp" she choked out as it neared closer to her "p-please someone help!" "Y/N!" Beverly screamed staring at the girl. She started running towarsa her friend, but before she could do anything IT had got her. Y/N was gone. She was floating. Because they left.
Okay I know that this is really bad, but im gonna make up for it i promise. Comment any requests/Ideas ♥️