Wish I could relate honestly
~it doesn't bother him at all
~you're still growing
~even if you don't get big boobies he'll always love you
~I laughed typing boobies
~Grayson Dolan is that you?Richie:
~he teases you about it
~he would like it if you had some boob
~it's okay because you have a phatty
~if you ask him to stop most of the time he will
~can take it too far sometimes
~still loves you as much as you love himEddie:
~literally gives no fucks
~he's with you for you not your bra size
~has never cared about anything less
~you're his baby
~babies don't have big boobsStan
~he's more of a bum bum boy
~doesn't mind
~kinda like Richie
~would like it if you had some
~doesn't mind that you don't
~again makes jokes about it
~would never take it too far
~I thinkMike:
~never brings it up
~scared of offending you
~doesn't care about it anyway
~you could have size z or size a and he would not care
~again he loves you for you
~not for your boobiesBen:
~big boobies who?
~gives 0 shits
~you're beautiful with or without boobies
~you're still growing anywayBeverly:
~fucking twinning
~you guys share bras
~bothers neither of you
~she's flat you're flat it's a flat party
~woop woop bitch
~you can literally wear anything
~fuck I wish I was flat

𝙋𝙍𝙀𝙁𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙎, it chapter one
Fanfictionstarted.2017 psa: i was 12-13 when i wrote this so it's embarrassing ☹