Be shook I'm uploading.Bill
• Bill was confused at first, he didn't quite understand what they were, so he ignored them. But as time went by the marks multiplied, and he began to realise what they were.
He sat you down at the table, and asked you why.
He didn't understand why you would hurt yourself in such ways.Richie
• Richie didn't really notice them at first, that was until you were at the quarry. You didn't want to take your dress off, so Richie sat at the top with you. He rolled up your sleeve revealing the several cuts on your wrist.
"Why?" He questioned wiping away your tears "promise me- promise me you'll never do this again" He started pulling you into a hug.
"Please, y/n, I don't know what I'd without you"Eddie
• He was shocked- bitch he was shook. He didn't understand the concept of self harm, why would anyone want to hurt themselves? Especially you.
You were happy, he thought you were happy at least. But you don't even know what happiness is, what it feels like. You've never been happy.
(Yes this is a smol vent don't swing for me)Stan
• He was confused, he knew what they were. In fact he had some, but he didn't know why you had them.
"Y/n why didn't you tell me, I would've helped you!"
"I didn't want your help"Mike
• He let go of your hand causing your focus to fall upon him. Mike shook his head before walking out of your bedroom door, you were confused to say the least. But you thought nothing of it as you collapsed onto your bed. About 5 minutes later he came back into the room holding onto two mugs filled with hot chocolate.
"Okay this is what's gonna happen. We're going to get comfy on your floor, get blankets and pillows. We're drink this cocoa, and you're going to tell my who hurt you to the point where you had to hurt yourself"Ben
• He pulled you into a bone crushing hug, whispering reassuringly in your ear.
"It's okay now. I'm here y/n, I'm here"Beverly
• you were the one who noticed hers, you grabbed her wrist making her face you.
"I do it too"
You rolled up your sleeve offering her a reassuring smile
"I do it too, I mean I shouldn't, and neither should you. But we have each other, right?"
"Right, you have me. You always will."

𝙋𝙍𝙀𝙁𝙀𝙍𝙀𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙎, it chapter one
Fanfictionstarted.2017 psa: i was 12-13 when i wrote this so it's embarrassing ☹