you have big boobs|losers

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that was fun to type..

.we fucking stannn
.lowkey loves them a lot
.always stares at them when you're not looking
.stutter gets worse when you can see them

.openly loves them
.always asks you your bra size
.'oh my god have you seen y/n's boobs? No, stan that's not- why were you looking?! No stAnLEY THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!'
.tries to touch them a lot
.'richie I will bite your hand off'

.pretends he doesn't notice
.very low-key likes them
.gets awkward when the guys talk about your body
.'guys maybe we should cool off with the comments, however they look really good in that one shirt'
.likes your boobs but doesn't like you for your boobs if you get me

.pervy jew returns
.love love loves them
.never speaks to you about it, but always thinks about them
.doesnt want to offend you
.loves you for who you are, your boobs are just a bonus

.literally doesn't notice them
.wouldn't care of you didn't have them

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