Chapter 20

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I then imagined how it would hurt, but before I could feel the pain, I felt arms wrap around my fragile body.

I felt his tears soaking my coat.

"Hayley Alexander Kang, I love you." He said before I felt him weighing me down.

Then I heard it again, the loud blaring of the sirens that came too late.

I felt someone untie me and I saw Shane crying as she hugged me.

But I pushed them away. I hugged Vernon so hard.

"Vernon Darelle Grey, I love you too. Please don't leave me." I cried again.
He gave me that signature smile that made me fall for him over and over again.

"Ren, make her happy for me." He said and I hugged him so hard.

"No, Vernon, don't leave, please stay. I don't know what to do without you." I cried as my tears just kept falling down my face.

Then I felt his grip on me loosen as I felt him give up.

"I love you, Princess, smile for me yeah?" He said as he gave me one last smile before he closed my eyes.
I felt my heart break again.

The pain swallowing me whole.

How could you? Don't leave me, Vernon.

The tears fell again as I held his hand. Fearing that if I let go, I would loose him, loose him for good.

"Alex, let's go, we have to go now baby." Shane said as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Shane, he's gone. My happiness is gone." I said as I cried into her shoulder.

"Hush now Alex, everything's gonna be alright." She said as she cried with me.

"No, I can't. I don't wanna leave him Shane. He saved me, I just can't." I said as the tears just painted my face, creating it a messy art.

"Come on, girl, pull yourself together. He wouldn't wanna see you like this, right." She said encouragingly, but when I looked up, I saw her own set of tears.

"This is all my fault, Shane, if I were careful enough, he wouldn't have died." Guilt and pain invaded my heart as a new set of tears flowed down my face.

"No, Hayley, this isn't your fault, he chose to save you because he loves you. So please, girl, pull yourself together." She said and helped me to stand up.

Ren and her supported me as we walked towards her car.

Vernon, just know that I love you yea? My Mr. V.


Guys, 안녕

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