Chapter 8

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I watched as I looked at her leaving with tears in her eyes.

"Trust? I don't do that."

Her words echoed in my mind, and for the first time in a very long time, my walls crashed down my heart burying it 6 feet under.

And again, I, Vernon Darelle Grey, f*cked up.

It broke my heart swing her shut her door, knowing that I was one of the reasons why she wouldn't look at the other side anymore.

It left me alone, stupidly waiting for her to unlock that door, but sadly, she just added a new tiny cut to my heart.

The 99 scars were big but this scar will be small, but may cause my life since it opened my heart, allowing all of my blood to spill.

But even though it was stupid of me to wait, I still waited, somewhat hoping she would come back and heal the 100 wounds that were abandoned in my body.

I silently looked at the name engraved on the stone as 2 tears left my eyes.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't think I could protect her as you did."

I stood up silently as I felt a cold air hit my face.

I could still remember his face as he told me to protect her.

Five years ago, he knew he would die.

"Grey, protect her. I give her to you because I know you will never hurt her. I have my trust on you. Don't break it." Love painted his face as he told me those words.

The 12 year old me, looked at the girl about my age from a far as I silently nodded my head.

My father was her father's best friend, but when my dad died, my mom banned me from meeting anyone my dad loves for it hurts her, so I would meet Alex's father secretly.

I walked to the car since it was getting cold and dark.

I will just talk to her tomorrow.

I started my car and turned the heater on.

The weather was just as called as my first scar.

1. It was my father's death


There you go guys, his POV.
I hope you like it.

From this chapter on, I would start revealing his 99 scars.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.



Any army here or Exo-L??

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