Chapter 11

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Ocean blue. The color was both calming and dangerous. When you look at the sea, the color itself calms you, but it also calls you to come deeper towards her, discovering her most deepest secrets.

That color surrounds me as I stare at the unfamiliar walls.

I began to panic. This wasn't my room.

I then heard a knock. I immediately looked towards the door as a familiar face.

"What are you d-" I started but was cut off.

"I took you in last night since I didn't know your address." He said calmly. Staring at me as his eyes turned toward its green side.

"Oh." Was all I said.

He then placed the tray of food on the bedside table and left the room.

On the tray was food and note that said "Vernon". I'm guessing right now that may be his name.

I ate the food and cleaned myself. After I was ready, I went downstairs and found him on the couch reading a book.

His brown hair fell on his eyes as he was looking down. He looked so peaceful that I could just stand here and watch for the whole day. Sometimes, I can't believe he was the guy who broke my trust.

I cleared my throat as he looked up.

"Umm, thanks for letting me stay, but I have to go now. I'll  see you around?" I said nervously.

"Yea sure, ummm, bye?" He said, a bit flustered.

I then got out and took a bus home.


I was struggling with some of my things when I bumped into a guy.

"Oh sh*t, sorry." He said as he bent down to help me with my things.

After we fixed my things he stood up and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Ren, and I'm a journalist in the college here." He said as he held out his hand.

"Oh hi, I'm Hayley, and, oh my gosh, I'm a journalist here too! " I said excitedly.

He laughed a little and said, "Do you want to go out for some coffee? I can show you around if you want."

I happily took his offer.

I then discovered that he was just living in the apartment in front of mine and he was also 20 years old.

I also found out that he really and I mean really loves coffee.

That afternoon he took me to the BEST café to have ever existed in the whole entire world.

He also took me shopping and showed me around, but I told him I actually lived here for about half of my life and he slapped me and said,  "Don't spoil my fun!" While pouting.

And for now guys, meet my new best friend, Mark Zarren.

And that's for chap 11.. What do u think guys???

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