Part 19

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Recap :
My di giggled and said," You don't worry about everyone else, I'll take care of everything." She pointed towards my left. As soon as I turned to look to my left, my eyes widened in surprise to see Arun standing there with a smile on his face.

'Arun?!' was all that my mind exclaimed in confusion.

Neha's POV

"Di..." as soon as I turned towards my di to ask her what is going on, I was interrupted by the click of the closed door.

I looked towards Arun again. That was when I noticed two plates of food kept on my bed and one of them was my plate which I was searching for only a while ago. Thoughts ran through my mind at the speed of a horse as I tried to make sense of the situation.
Oh! Please don't let it be what I am thinking.

"Hey, I know you are wondering what is happening here. It's just I wanted that we sit together and have our lunch...if it's okay with you."

Yes, it is what I was thinking! But, I'm feeling happy. I wanted to sit with him and talk as we hadn't exchanged even a word with each other since we met today. But, I was just worried about what the elders would say.

Sensing my lack of reply, he said,
"If you want to sit with everyone else, then too it's not a problem."

"No, it's nothing like that. I wanted to sit and talk with you," I said while looking down.

Then I looked up to see him grinning at me which brought a smile to my face too.

"So, shall we," he asked.

Still smiling, I nodded at him. Then we proceeded to sit on the two chairs kept near my bed facing each other. As I didn't have any table in my room, we would have to take the plates in our hands and eat. As soon as I took my plate in my hands, I realized that I have left my hair open and I need to tie it before I start to eat.

I stood up keeping my plate on the chair and went towards my dressing table. Taking out a band, I secured all my hair strands with it properly. Then, once again I went to my chair and sat down.

All this time Arun's eyes were following me. I felt as if he wanted to say something but didn't.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked him.

"No, nothing I'm good," he replied.

We sat in comfortable silence, enjoying our food. But halfway through our meal, Arun asked about the books kept on my bookshelf. That's it! My favorite topic. I started telling him about all the books that I have read, about my love for reading, and how my day goes incomplete without reading a book.

"What do you do in your free time? I mean what are your interests?" I asked him.

"I used to paint. People say I'm very good at it. I got many prizes in school and college competitions. I love to draw portraits."

"Oh wow....painting! That's great. You can play with colors all you want. I have always loved watching the different colors of the rainbow. But, if I may ask, you said 'used to' paint. Why used to?"

He gave a smile and said,
"Yes, I used to paint. But, now I don't. After taking up dad's business I was completely lost in it. I don't get time for anything else. I'm at home on weekends just because of mom. She forces me to be at home saying she misses me. Otherwise, I would be there in the office for the whole week."

"So you love your work very much and Sushma aunty loves you very much?"

"Yes that's true," he said chuckling a little," but that doesn't mean that I don't love my mom. My family is always my priority," he said smiling.

I felt happy listening to his love for his family.
"Yes, I understand. I, too, love my job. Mom always used to be tense for me. First because of the stress I took on my studies and then about my career. Till today she is always stressed thinking about my job. Even though my job is not the nine to five stressful thing. But, she thinks that listening to other's problems will go in the end making me depressed. For me too, my family comes first. I understand what she says is because she cares for me, but I also know that she loves me and will never stop me from doing what I love. So, even though she doesn't like some of the things that I do, she doesn't stop me. That's why I love her so much."

"You are lucky to have such an understanding mother," he said smiling.

"Then, I guess we both are lucky," I said chuckling.


This is for Ayushi236 whose request for another chapter inspired me to write more today.
And honestly, I think this one's not too good as I have written in a hurry and it's only half of what I wanted to write. So, the more interesting part after I have properly written it down😅
Sorry in advance if anyone thinks this one's not up to the mark!

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