Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

            Begrudgingly, I trudge up the stairs that lead to apartment number 144. Why was I so scared and nervous about this when I just met Greyson? Because you care about him. A voice resounds in my head. Not again, I am not fighting with myself. I can’t be this close I just met him three days ago. Okay, apparently I was fighting with myself.  Time doesn’t matter. He’s as much as a friend as AJ by now.

That’s impossible.

Improbable not impossible.



Dear Gosh.


            I seriously need more sleep, I think as I head up to Greyson’s room praying for him to be anything but mad. Inhaling deeply, I knock on the door and await the oncoming tidal wave of Greyson’s anger. The door opens slowly and the green eyes of Alexa peer out the door. She sighs and rolls her eyes before opening wider and shouting, “Grey it’s Drew!” Instantly, she disappears back into her abode. Love you too Alexa.

            Suddenly, Greyson appears at the door and his eyes widen and he smiles. “Thank God!” he immediately swoops me up in a hug and pulls me tight to him. I am overwhelmed by an amazing smell. It made me not want to leave his arms. Don’t judge, if you smelled himyou’d be mesmerized too. “Are you okay?” he questions setting me down from the enjoyed stance.

            “Yeah I’m fine. Just, you’re not mad?” Confusion crosses over his face and it settles into his voice. “For what? You’re the one who disappeared for two hours. I was just worried about you.” How could he not be mad? Because he cares about you too. That little voice makes its presence known again. This time instead of letting itself know I acknowledge it I push it to the back of my mind.

            “For me shouting at you.” I leave out the part about not trusting him. Somehow, I had a feeling saying that wouldn’t mend a friendship. He scoffs and remarks, “That was my fault. I shouldn’t have pushed you like that. Of course, I would want you to sing but if you’re not comfortable with it you don’t have to. I’ll respect that.”

            Seriously, this boy was ridiculously kind. How was he what I had labeled “Rude Boy” three days ago? “Because you didn’t really know me then.” He smirks and raises his eyebrows. Crap, I was thinking out loud. I really need to stop that. Acting like I meant to say that I say, “Yeah, I didn’t. I actually like the you that’s inside.” His smile lights up on his face and he questions, “So you like Greyson Chance? Yes, you admitted it!” He does a little awkward happy dance then stops remembering I was there. Of course, me being me, I can’t give him the satisfaction. “No, I don’t like Greyson Chance.” His face falls and I laugh then add. “But, I do like Greyson.” And I didn’t have to stretch the truth or even somewhat lie. Because it was true. It’s a good thing to because he regains his grin and states, “Good because I like the real Drew too.”

            “She’s gonna flip out.” AJ whispers to Greyson as I enter the room. “Flip out about what?” I inquire sitting down and handing them their popcorn. Mine with nothing, Greyson’s with salt, apparently he has an obsession over it. I have learned this over the past week of being Greyson’s best friend.

            Yeah, after that night I hung out with him literally everyday. He knows practically everything about me, from my weird obsession with Green and Black to my very ticklish waist. When he learned about my ticklish nature, lets just say he ended up with a black eye. I am not responsible to any injuries due to tickling.  

            “Um, you’re going to flip out when I tell you that One Direction is keeping their band name.” Confused, I state, “Okay, I never knew they were thinking about changing it but okay.” Ignoring her strange comment I sit down next to Greyson, crossing my legs. “So what do you want for you’re birthday?” Greyson asks blatantly. Popping a piece of popcorn in my mouth I contemplate as I watch Alexandria dumps half a jar of peanut butter on her popcorn.

            “Nothing really,” I finally answer swallowing the popcorn kernel. “I mean, I already have everything I could possibly want, my island and my two best friends and a great month. What more could I want?” Greyson nods as he tosses another piece of popcorn in his mouth, his signature hidden talent. “You’re still going to get me something aren’t you?” I state rather than implore. He nods his head and says, “Yup,” before smiling cheekily at me.

            Okay, this was just strange. All day long my mom and dad had been acting peculiar. After Greyson told me he was going to get me a present anyway I needed water so I headed into the kitchen to grab some. Well, my mom and dad were standing there talking then suddenly silenced when I entered the room, not weird at all. Then Aj and Grey have been quite secretive all day. Finally, the thing that has completely pushed it over was now. My entire family and Aj, and Greyson, and I was sitting in my living room watching tv. Everyone was quiet and if you knew us we were never quiet.

            “Okay, whats up?” I announce, tired of all the awkward silence and secrets. “Nothing,” all of them say at the same time because that completely makes them look innocent. Whatever. Suddenly, Grey’s phone goes off and he reads it quickly. “Uh gotta go,” he says before hugging Alexandria and kissing my cheek goodbye. Now, right now the fact that he left like that was stranger than him kissing me. We did that all the time. Don’t all best friends?

            Greyson leaves the room and I hear his feet thud against the stairs. This was irritating me so much I just decided to ignore everything that just happened. About ten minutes later there’s a knock at the door and no one gets up to get it. “I guess I’ll just get it.” I begin sarcastically. “After all my birthday is tomorrow.” Making my way to the door I don’t see what I expect once I open it. Okay, I honestly don’t know what I did expect but it wasn’t what I found.

            A tall boy, at least six foot, stood in the doorway of my apartment room. His hazel eyes, currently blue, shined in the noon sun. His golden hair shone brightly. Next to him stood a girl who looked about my age, maybe older. Her similarly colored hair hung around her shoulder’s freely. Greyson stands next to them and seems pleased by my reaction. Apparently, my mouth was gaping open and I instantly snap it shut.

            “Hey! I’m Alli.” The perky blonde squeals in a unique and quite rare Australian accent. The boy speaks too, “And I’m-“ I cut him off though because there’s no need for him to explain to me his name. I loved him music and him in general. “I know who you are.” I state, him clearly pleased. “You’re Cody Simpson.”

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