Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

The clock ticks ever so loudly. The rain on the roof of the house leads me into a dazed stupor. Four days. Four days, since I have seen Greyson. Just that irrefutable thought makes me itch. Pulling down my jacket sleeve, I shiver in the cool of my room. The rain had brought on a cold front, very unnatural for the normally humid Florida. My eyes graze over the walls of my room with pictures of Alexandra and Greyson. Greyson, I missed him so much. I never thought it was even possible to feel this empty by someones absence,

Looking down to my phone I pick it up praying for some sort of notification. Opening it up there is one that says no new messages. Sighing in defeat, I slide it shut and fall back on the bed. He hadn't texted me, called, or skyped in the last four days. It hadn't even ben a week and he was already breaking his promise, hurting me at the same time. How could he ignore me? He said he loved me. It wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't had said it back.

I truly did miss him. So, when he obviously didn't miss me, it killed me inside. how could he do this to me? How could he leave me here alone? A cold emptiness sweels up in the pit of my stomach. The pit enraptures my entire being in pain and torment. I hated this affect he had on me, to make me feel this way. He made me love him.

Laughing darkly, I castigate myself for even fallling in love, at fourteen! How could I even think that when he was my first relationship? I had no experience, maybe what I was feeling was just confused emotions. Yeah, that had to be it. At least, that's what I need it to be so I wont feel this pain. Maybe I could make myself numb, immune to everything.

You know you can't do that Drew.

That same voice makes itself aware, again. Why couldn't it just go away?

Watch Me.

You won't do it Drew. You still love him and he loves you. 

If he loved me he would be missing me right now, talking to me, at least acknowledging me instead of hurting me. He wouldnt be breaking his promis.

Stop blubbering idiot, maybe he is just busy. He is a world wide popstar after all. Do you really think he could go all summer without paparazzi discovering him?

This remark throws me into shock. Maybe the voice, I mean me, was true. Possibly, he was busy. Yeah, that had to be it. He wouldn't blatantly hurt me like that. Yeah, that's what was going on. Sighing in relief, I sit back up, instantly feeling refreshed. Of course, I still missed Greyson but at least there was still the thought of him caring about me.

Instantly, I feel the grime in my skin and hair. It's so strange how the intensity of it seemed to choke me. Now that I think about it, I have been so busy wallowing in my self pity that I hadn't had a shower in four days. I cringe at the thought as I grab a change of clothes and undergarments.

As I head out of my room I see my parents asleep on both of the couches. This is what they do on rainy days. That's when I realize how much I must have scared them. The past few days, I have shut myself out to everyone. Anyone who mattered no longer did and everyone who cared about me I pushed away. I would have to make it up to them after, maybe play cards or something. THey always liked that.

Shrugging it off, I continue into the hallway I run into my brother Dalton. His eyes widen when he sees me and he wraps me in a hug. The only sign of affection I have seen from him is a nod, so this surprises me. "I'm glad you finally came out of your room. I was worried about you." He confesses, water forming beneath his eyes. Thats when I feel a pang of guilt in my chest. Not only had I hurt my parents by not talking with them, I hurt my little brother.

"I'm glad I did too. I'm so sorry Dalton, I never meant to hurt you I just-" I stop my apology. He was only eleven. He wouldn't get what it meant to be in love. Heck, I was only fourteen, how could I understand it? "I get it Drew, you love Greyson and you miss him." My brother speaks casually. How did he understand this? The most he ever does is play on his video game.

My eyes widen and I nod slowly but surely, "Yeah, I do. How did you know that?" I question his genius. He just laughs and nods his head, blonde hair falling into his blue eyes. "I can tell by the way you look at him." Then, I know he is much smarter and knowledgable than he seems. I wrap him in my arms and kiss the top of his head softly. "You know, you know a whole lot more than you act ike." I tell him smirking.

He smiles and shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I'm much more than good looks you know. I do have something up here." He interjects knocking on his head. Chuckling I nod and respond, "Yeah, you do. i love you Dalton." He smiles and heads off to his room, not saying it back. It was nothing I didn't expect. I was lucky for him to hug me. Sighing, I turn to the direction of the bathroom. Before I open the door I hear his voice call out, "Hey Drew." I turn and see his head poking out of his door.

"Yeah," I question.

"I love you too." He answers before closing the door and returning to his world of video games. I smile warmly to myself and continue to the bathroom remembering those three words. THat was the first time he ever told me he loved me in his lifetime. That was one thing I never was going to forget.


After my shower I head back to my room, feeling refreshed. It was surprising how a little soap can make you feel better. Suddenly, my phone goes off and I pick it up quickly, seeing a new message. My heart skips a beat when I see its from Greyson.

Greyson<3: Hey love, I'm sorry for not talking to you in the past few days. Ellen called and gave me a few last minute songs to record. I'm so sorry:( Please forgive me?

Me: Hey Grey:) And it's okay I understand. How have you been?

Greyson<3: Alright :) Could be better if you were with me, I miss you so much </3

My heart breaks at him missing me. I could never stand the thought of him hurting but at the same time it made me feel good that I wasn't the only one who felt that way. Quickly, I type back.

Me: I know:( I miss you too so much. I wish we were together.

Greyson<3: We will again Drew, I promise. I will make sure of it. I miss you so much. Hey, I gtg to sleep I have a busy day tmrw. I'm gonna call you but let it go to voicemail, I can't say it to you or else I'll break down. I love you Drew, goodnight beautiful xxx

I read the message quickly and shut my phone. I didn't want to bother him again if he had to go. As promised, my phone rings but I let it go to voicemail. Soon after I get a notification and check my messages. When I listen to Greyson's voice, I nearly lose it.

"Hey Drew, I'm sorry I had to  leave so fast but I have to get up early tomorrow. I just wanted to say I miss you so much and I want to see you soon. That last kiss we had was, uh, well, let's just say it is all I can think about. I miss your beautiful eyes, perfect smile, and the sound of your beautiful voice. I promise Drew, this distance will not be the end of us. I will always be there for you. I assure you, I will do whatever I need to hold you one more time, to tell you how perfect you are, and to feel your lips against mine. I love you Drew, goodnight love. Never forget how much I love you."

That's when the message ends and I feel hot tears run down my cheeks. He was perfect, the sweetest boy in the world, and I wasn't even there with him. I didn't even reply when he said I love you. Quickly,  fix my mistake. Picking up my phone I type on last message to him, even though I know he's probably already asleep once it's sent I read it over again.

Me: I love you too. Forever and always<3


Hey GUYS!!! Sorry, if this chapter sucked its kinda a filler kinda not. Anyway, sadly Drew and Greyson's story is soon to be coming to an end :'( but I have a little surprise for you guys once it ends. Well, I'm sorry if this seems demanding but I want five votes and seven comments before my next upload! I know it seems like a lot but if you do it I will make chapter 18 extremely long and juicy. Thanks you guys so much for reading my story it means heaps! anyway, I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed this! <3

- Shelby 

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