Take me back to when we started❤️

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Aaron sighs frustratedly, while sitting at his desk in the porticabin, doing the accounts. He is soon shaken out of his thoughts by the door crashing open and a severely annoyed Robert sugden walking in.
'I just can't do it, Aaron, we're going to have to get Leyla to do it'  Aaron looks at Robert blankly, before it dawns on him that he is talking about their wedding plans. ' Calm down, Rob, whats the problem'? He asks  Gently. He saw Roberts eyes soften as he replied 'I just can't get these colour combos to work' Aaron looks at him and rises from his desk. 'Why don't you take a look at the accounts and I'll try this' ? He offers. Robert Nods gratefully.Aaron passes Robert the accounts and then takes their wedding planner and settles on the office couch, as close to his Fiancée as he can get. He flicks through the plans, smiling as he sees all of Rob's little notes in it. He turned to the page where the suits were, and he feels Robert move to put his arm around him. Within 20 minutes, Robert has the accounts done, and Aaron has picked matching blue suits for them, with white roses in the buttonholes. Aaron runs his choice past Robert, who agrees, and the stress melts off his face. Aaron lies down on the couch and invites Rob to lie in front of him. Robert did, and Aaron wraps his arms around him, and they lay there for a while before eventually falling asleep. Robert is woken at around two in the morning by Aaron grumbling in his sleep. He is shaking and tears are running down his face. Robert wakes him up, shaking his shoulders until Aaron is conscious . ' What's happening to me, Robert'? He cries, into Roberts chest. Robert holds him and told him it was okay, that it was just a nightmare. After a while, Robert asks Aaron if he wants to go back to the mill, to which Aaron agrees. They walk from the porticabin hand in hand. 


A few weeks later and it's the day of the wedding. Aaron has been up since the crack of dawn pacing up and down, in the pub.
Robert is in a similar position in Mill cottage, on his own. He sits on the couch, feeling very alone. He had no best man because he didnt have many friends. He felt a bit glum, but little did he know that his fabulous fiancée had a surprise arranged for him. After he gets ready, the doorbell rang. He rushed down the stairs, thinking maybe it would be Aaron. He was a little deflated when he opened the door and it was Liv. She was standing there holding a small black box and a dress in a bag.
'Aaron appointed me as your best man' she says, when Robert just stands there. Robert needs a minute to take it in, and then pulls Liv into a bone-crushing hug. He keeps hugging her despite her protests. 'Thank you, Liv, I thought I'd have nobody'. Liv shakes her head sadly, 'Aaron loves you too much to let that happen' she said.  They went into the sitting room and Liv hands Robert the delicate little black box. He opens it, and gasps. Encased in black silk were two cufflinks with the initials A.D. On both sides. Before he can stop himself, a tear runs down his cheek. 'Soppy Get' comments Liv, but they both know she doesnt mean it.

Back at the pub, Adam has presented Aaron with a little black box, identical to Roberts. Aaron started crying the minute he saw the matching cufflinks, with the initials R.S. On them. He thanked Adam profusely and had to stop crying before he got puffy eyes.

Soon it was time to go. Aaron doesnt know where the wedding is, Robert had insisted on keeping it a surprise.Aaron hops in the back of Cain's BMW, And Adam got into the front seat.Cain is playing Chauffeur for the day, and they speed around to Mill cottage to collect Robert and Liv. Aaron gasped as soon as the door opened. Robert looks amazing , and Liv looks stunning. Robert gets in on one side of Aaron and Liv on the other. Aaron immediately grabs Roberts hand and says 'You look amazing, I cant wait to marry you'. Robert replies with 'You dont look too bad yourself, Dingle-Sugden, I love you'.  Soon they arrived at the hotel. Aaron could feel himself welling up again, and requested a minute alone with Robert. This was where Robert had first told Aaron he loved him. 'Robert... its perfect, thank you' aaron chokes out. Robert doesn't reply immediately, he pulls Aaron in for a kiss. Aaron responds eagerly and eventually they pull apart. ' I love you so much Aaron' Robert says. Together they turn around and walk into the hotel hand in hand. As they stop at the end of the aisle, Aaron feels like he's walking on clouds. Robert looks like he feels the same. They get to the top of the room and harriet is waiting there for them. She says the first part of the mass, and its time for the vows. Robert has written his on a matching peice of paper as Aarons. Its his turn first.
'Aaron, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and all i want to do is to keep you happy. I promise to always love you, no matter what, I promise to support you through everything, I promise to be Faithful. I promise that you will be the first person i think of every morning and last thing at night. I promise to always be grateful for you. I love you so much'  Aaron is gobsmacked. The tears are freely running down his face as he opens his paper.
' Robert, you are amazing and im sorry if i ever take you for granted. I love you more than life itself and i promise to always keep it that way. I promise to always back you no matter how hard the decision may be. I promise to give you a second chance if you make a mistake. I promise to help you whether you need it or not. I promise that you'll always be my top priority. I love you'. Harriet looks satisfied by both sets of vows. She asks if anyone knows of any lawful impediment that they shouldnt be together, and when nobody says anything, she declares them husband and husband. They kiss and the entire room cheers. They walk back down the aisle, hand in hand, with Liv and Adam following behind. They stand at the door of the hotel as everyone congregates outside, and wishes them well. When they have seen everyone, Aaron looks at Robert and smiles. Robert smiles back and presses a kiss to Aaron's lips. They stand outside for a few minutes after everyone goes inside. They have their photos taken by the photographer and then he goes to get more shots. Robert laces his fingers through Aaron's and looks out on the lake. When he looks back at Aaron, he is happy to see that he's beaming. Aaron looks at Robert and says "I'm Happy, Rob. Thank you for this. I love you so much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me..." Robert smiles and almost bursts with love. A tear trickles down his face and he kisses Aaron. Far behind them, in the distance, the photographer gets a perfect shot.


They both make their way into the hall where their reception was. They went to the top table and Aaron sank down beside his Best friend Adam and Robert sat beside his new best friend, Liv, who was beaming up at him. He smiles at her and reaches for her hand. On his other side he can feel Aaron's Hand and he can never recall feeling this happy and in love before. He has a family, and they're everything to him.

1344 words

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