An announcement

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Aaron acted like he wasn't bothered.
He knew Robert's Job had priority, it made them money so they could afford their mortgage.
And he has Liv, He will be fine. Liv's in bed and the reality is hitting him. Its Christmas Eve and his husband is in London, miles away. He wasnt back until the 2nd of January. He sighs, he knows he should be grateful that he's here with Liv, especially after the events of the last year. But he knew he wouldnt properly enjoy tomorrow without Robert. He would open the presents that Liv got him, he would watch her open her presents amd he would leave his final one under the tree, with Robert's until the second of january. He would smile as he met his mum and she drove them up to wishing well. He would smile and joke all through dinner. But really he would be feeling sick to his stomach, lonely and miserable. He shook himself out of his thoughts. He locked the back door and turned off the light, and made his way to the front door to lock it. But he's blinded by extremely bright car lights, cursing himself and going out to see who's pulling into his front drive at this ungodly hour.
He's standing on the gravel in his slippers when he recognises the car. Its Robert! He races over to the car and Robert barely has it stopped before Aaron opens the door and pulls him out. 'Robert, why are you here?' He practically shouts. Robert replies ' I bagged the deal and I thought i'd come back and surprise you'. Aaron could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, and
he couldnt stop them in time. He buries his head in Roberts neck and breathes in the familiar scent. Robert is rubbing his back and telling him he loves him when the Hall light flicks on. Liv is standing there, but as soon as she sees Robert she runs over, in her bare feet and hugs him, and she also has tears running down her cheeks. Robert couldn't believe the reaction that he was getting, especially from Liv. He didn't think he deserved it. Liv pushed Aaron away for a minute and hugged Robert by herself. She stood back after a minute and looked a bit embarrassed. She took Roberts Left hand and Aaron took his right & they walked into the mill together. The got up the spiral staircase of death and Liv made to drop Rob's hand and go into her room, but Robert wouldnt let go. He Turned to Aaron and says, 'Aaron, please can she sleep in with us tonight? its Christmas and I want my family with me' Aaron smiled and nodded his head and the both looked expectantly at Liv. She looked Reluctant but agreed. Later, when they had chatted and Robert and Aaron were asleep with Liv in the middle, she spoke. 'Robert, i'm sorry about how i treated you before i knew you properly. I'm sorry to both of you for going off the rails so much. I hope you both know how much I love you, because I'm like Aaron, i'm not great at talking about this stuff. But i love you both.' She lay back down and fell asleep, not knowing that Rob had woken up with his phone in his hand when she was talking, amd pressed Record. He would show aaron later. He pressed a kiss to Liv's head and Laced his fingers with Aarons. The rest of the world can wait.
The next morning, Aaron woke up first. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people beside him. He watched Robert and Liv's chest Rise and fall. And then, with a jolt, he realised that it was Christmas Day. As he was thinking this, Robert began to stir. He opened his eyes, squinting at the morning light. They spoke in hushed whispers and kisses gently over Liv's head. She soon woke up, and remembered that it was Christmas. She debated whether to give Robert his gift this morning or not. She had been saving for the best part of a year for it, but she was unsure if he would like it.
They all eventually jumped out of bed and Liv bounced down the stairs. Before they went down, Aaron grabbed Robert and pulled him in for a proper kiss. They then descended and found Liv waiting with a fat envelope. She told them to sit down and that she had a present for all of them. 'Robert, I never had a proper family before now and I'm sorry if you dont like your present, but since you love Harry Potter and you were tge first person myself and Aaron watched it woth, i thought ot would be fitting-' at which point Robert cut her off and says 'Liv i didnt need anything, but the fact that you did get me something means so much. And did you say ot was a gift for all of us?' Liv Nodded and handed him the package. He broke the seal and pulled out the letter. Inside were three tickets for the harry potter studios is London. Robert looked at them speechlessly for a moment before Liv began to talk 'You dont want them. Its okay, i can return them or-' she was cut off by Robert pulling her into a giant hug, and gesturing for aaron to join. Although muffled by livs hair, they could hear what he was saying 'Thank you so much Liv. I cant wait. I didn't expect Anything at all, but this must have cost you a fortune. I'll talk to you tomorrow about money.' Liv shook her head and went to protest but Aaron silenced her with his hand and told them to open the rest of their gifts. As part of Roberts gift, Aaron was throwing out his hair gel, he knew Robert hated the stuff and liked running his fingers through it. Later on, Rob felt himself getting upset again, Liv and Aaron were about to go up to wishing well. Aaron was chatting but Robert wasnt paying attention until he got a painful poke in the ribs. Aaron repeated 'Whats your favorite Christmas food? Lisa has loads up there and you also get to sit at the head of the table, its a tradition at your first Dingle Christmas '. Robert did a double take. 'What... am i going to Lisa's? What? I thought you were leaving me here' he admitted, to which Aaron looked shocked. 'Babe, do you honestly think i would leave you behind? Listen, I LOVE you and i'm not going anywhere without you. Now put on your coat, or we'll be late.' They continue to Lisa's, where they're warmly welcomed and they sit down to eat. When the dinner is finished, Robert looks at Aaron, silently communicating. Aaron nods his head so Robert stands up to make a speech.
'I have an important announcement to make, but before that I just wanted to thank Lisa for the amazing food and cooking for me at very short notice.' He raised his glass of water.
'The next thing that I need to tell you is, well, myself and Aaron are welcoming a new life into the family soon. We're having a baby.' Everyone looks baffled but delighted. Chas asks a lot of questions and Robert answers to the best of his ability. Aaron is gripping his hand under the table, and he can see a grin on even Cain's face. Lisa, Debbie, Charity and Belle Are beside themselves. Life is fantastic.

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