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Robert's not quite right. He's eight months into his pregnancy, and all day he's been... weird. He thinks it's the 'nesting' phase.He's washed all the baby clothes that himself and Aaron bought, and he's assembled the cot single-handedly.. The bedroom has been painted yellow since last week, and the smell of paint has finally disappeared. Robert looks around. There's so much more to do, and Aaron will be home soon, maybe he can help. Robert grabs the little step-ladder and picks up the curtain pole, and the correct screws and screwdrivers. He marks the walls and he starts to screw the pole on. He has it completed in around 10 minutes, because his bump keeps getting in the way. He hangs the white curtains from the curtain pole. He goes across the landing, to his and Aaron's room. He starts to push the dresser from their room across into the nursery. Aaron made it last night, when he was chatting to Rob. He said it was easier to make when he had distraction. He pushed it into the corner, and placed a Photo of himself, Aaron and Liv on it. He hangs some more of them on the walls around the nursery, and places a toy box in the corner. He fills it up with pre-bought plastic toys. He then goes over to the cot and puts the sheet on the little mattress and leaves the Snow White blankets bundled at the bottom. He pops the little plush bunny into the cot, and then he goes down to get his lunch. He makes a sandwich, wolfs it down and clambers back up the stairs to the nursery. He picks up one of the  endless boxes. He opens it and finds a stack of books in it. He didn't remember them. He pulls one out, and a note comes with it. 'Rob, I probably won't be here when you find these. They're books that mum had from when I was a baby, and I would like for our baby to have them. I love you, Aaron'
Robert brings the books in and puts them on the shelf, marveling at some of them. They were quite cute really. One in particular caught his interest, it was 'Beauty and the beast'. He hadn't thought Aaron would be interested in it but apparently he was. Chuckling lightly, he pops it on the shelf. He goes out and grabs another box, and brings it into the room, but before opening it, he goes down and chucks the baby clothes in the drier. This box is full of nappies, which reminds him of another urgent task. His hospital bag. He supposed that was more urgent than the baby's room so he goes down and grabs the biggest suitcase he can find. If he's due next week, he'd better be prepared. He hauls it up the stairs. He puts two comfy tracksuit bottoms in it( one of them is Aaron's but he's sure he won't mind). He packs two pajama bottoms and multiple tops in, too. Then he packs socks and boxers. He puts in a pair of slippers and a hot water bottle. He then goes downstairs again and gets some baby clothes, onesies, hats and cloves. When he goes up, he packs 10 onesies. He presumes babies get sick sometimes, so that's why he put so many in. Then he puts in 6 pairs of mittens and 5 hats. He battles with a pack of Nappies and eventually gets it in. He goes to the cot, takes out the rabbit and puts it in the case. Then he puts in some baby blankets and then, sort of as an afterthought, he puts Aaron's favourite blanket in. He knows it's selfish, but, it smells like Aaron and he knows it'll be nice to have when Aaron's not there. He stuffs it in and does up the zipper. Then he grabs another, smaller bag and puts baby powder, bottles and wipes in. Then he carries both bags downstairs, just as the door is opening. Aaron walks in . 'Hey babe!' Rob exclaims. 'I've missed you. Give me a hug' and Aaron gives him a hug and then whispers, somewhat muffled, 'I've missed you too. Should we get some tea? You can tell me all about your day.' Robert nods, and Aaron chucks two pizzas in the oven, not bothered to cook. They sit on the couch and strike up a conversation.
'So.. was that your hospital bag that you had in the Hall?' Aaron asks. 'Yeah' Rob replies, 'I had a lot of time on my hands. I made the cot too, and sorted out the nursery.' Aaron looks slightly shocked 'wow. You have been busy. You could have hurt yourself with all that pulling and dragging. But, I got you and the baby some things today. I got you some things to sneak into the hospital. I got you a 12 pack of crisps, and lots and lots of chocolate, and some Lucozade to keep your blood pressure up.' Rob smiles gratefully 'Thanks, Baby. What did you get for our baby?' Well, I got some baby monitors, and a sleeping pad you put on the mattress, which will set off an alarm if the baby stops breathing. Hopefully it won't. I also got a Moses basket and a stand, because I know that  you won't want the baby in the nursery immediately. Speaking of nurseries, come upstairs, I want to see it.' He grabs Rob by the hand and leads him upstairs. He audibly gasps when he goes in 'Babe, this is amazing.' Robert smiles shyly, and says 'Thank god. I hoped you'd like it' 'Like it? I love it. You've done brilliant. I love you so much.' Then, the oven's alarm went off, so they went down to eat their pizza. Then Robert remembers the 'Beauty and the Beast' book. 'Babe, when I was going through the books, I found a 'Beauty and the Beast' book. Did you like that?' Aaron kind of blushes 'Um, yeah I always liked it, because I thought that the Beast was amazing. I was only a kid, Rob' 'Hey, I know. The thing is, I  have it on dvd and we could watch it if you want.' Aaron agrees, so they stick it on. Aaron comments on Emma Watson's voice, but then he watches the movie in silent awe. When the movie is over, they sleepily check that the doors are locked. Liv's been staying at Gabby's  for the last few days, she's afraid That Rob'll go into labour. They clamber upstairs and Aaron puts his Arms around rob, and curls around the bump, and kisses Rob Slowly, then puts his head beside Robs heartbeat, and whispers 'I love you both.' Rob smiles and falls asleep. He's woken at 3:37am, by a searing pain in his lower abdomen. It then disappears and comes back around 30 mins later. This happens a couple of times. When they're 15 mins apart, he jumps in the shower, then wakes Aaron. 'Babe... My contractions have started. I need you to drive me to hospital. The contractions are 15 mins apart. He sits on the bed until the contraction is over, then rushes down and gets into Aaron's car. Aaron puts the suitcases in the boot, then jumps in, and speeds through the village. Then they get on the hotten bypass, as the hospital is the opposite side of hotten, and it'll be quicker. Robert's just having his second contraction as they pull up. They walk in to the hospital, and Robert sits down, Aaron goes to the reception desk and asks where the labour ward is. The lady arranges for two porters to wheel Robert there. Robert finds it quite humiliating, but, when a contraction arrives, he's grateful. They go up, and very soon, their appointed midwife arrives. She talks Robert through the breathing, and the contractions are only two minutes apart now, so he's finding it hard to concentrate. He quickly agrees to an epidural, and it is administered quickly. He then goes numb, so when they're telling him to push, he very much hopes that he is. Eventually. At 9:54am, the baby arrives.

The midwife immediately scoops the baby up, and Aaron's there, tears falling down his face, tears that mimic Robert's own. The midwife turns around and says 'well done Robert, it's a girl! She's very pretty. Do you want to hold her?' Robert nods his head and whispers 'It's a girl. Aaron, we have a daughter.' Aaron looks shocked, but the minute the midwife brings their daughter over, his face lights up. He sits on the edge of the bed, and holds Robert in his arms and kisses his forehead 'you did it. I love you.' He bends down, and the two of them kiss their daughter on the head. She's beautiful, with dark hair on her head and piercing blue eyes. She's got Robert's mouth, and Aaron's nose. She's a perfect mix of both of them. The midwife asks for some clothes for her, and Aaron detaches himself from Robert to go get them. He gets the hats, gloves and a blanket too. The nurse weighs her; 8.02 Ibs. She then fills in some forms and puts an electronic tag around her ankle. She then puts her into the cot and she says, Robert, I'd recommend that you get some sleep, you look exhausted. And, Mr. Dingle, you too. That sofa has a pull-out mattress. She leaves them in peace, and Robert says, 'no, don't go over there. Share this bed with me, please.' Aaron smiled and nodded. 'Okay. And later on , I'll Ring Liv and Vic, and my Mum' Robert nodded sleepily, and pulls Aaron behind him. Robert falls asleep as the little spoon, and, after watching him and his daughter for a few minutes, Aaron follows suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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