The start of forever

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Robert was sitting on the couch at Mill Cottage. He's attempting his accounts but he can't get them to balance. He sighs frustratedly and closes the laptop. He heats someone clear their throat behind him. He turns and sees Liv standing there.
'Robert, can I ask you something'? Liv asks. She looks extremely nervous, and Robert thinks there's something wrong. He invites her to sit down. She clears her throat again and begins to speak.
'Rob, you're the best thing to happen to me and Aaron. I wanted to ask you something, but i dont know how you'll react'
Robert sits in silence, then says 'Liv, i'm not going to get mad, no matter what it is. Does Aaron know'?
Liv smiles and nods her head 'he said he'd ket me ask you on my own'
Robert exhales and says 'Fire away'
She looks like she's struggling and She reaches for his hand. eventually she asks him 'W-well the thing is, I was sort of wondering if you would- forget it its stupid'. She goes to get up but Robert grabs her hand and pulls her down. He knows there's something bothering her and he doesnt intend on letting her go until he knows what. 'Liv, love, just ask me. Do you need something? Im not gonna be angry, I promise.' Livs confidence is restored and she asks unfalteringly, 'Robert Jacob Sugden-Dingle, will you adopt me?' Robert takes a minute to register what she said, and the biggest smile spreads across his face. 'Oh Liv of course I will! I can't believe you were worrying about asking me. I'd be honoured. I love you sweetheart'
'Alright Robert,Thank you.' And then, seemingly to nobody she calls 'You can come in now!' Robert looks confused but then he sees his gorgeous husband coming through the door with his favourite chinese takeaway and a 'Harry Potter 'film. He grabs a few forks and they all share the one meal. Robert is in the middle, with Liv on his left and Aaron on his right, the accounts long forgotten. They both cuddle into him as the movie ends. Robert asks Them both  if theyve  enjoyed it, and realises when he gets no answer, that theyre both asleep. He slowly eases Aaron down into a lying position and gathers Liv into his arms. He carries her upstairs to bed and tucks her in. He kisses her head and is about to leave when he sees the photo of them all beside her bed. He smiles and leaves the room. When he gets downstairs, Aaron is asleep looking adorable. He turns off the TV and the lights, and locks the doors& windows. When he's satisfied that his family are safe for another night, he (with some difficulty) carries aaron upstairs. He puts him into bed, but on the opposite side to where he usually sleeps. He changes into his pyjamas and hops into the bed. Theres something comforting about having his head on his husbands pillow while looking at the real thing. He laces his fingers with Aarons and kisses his nose. He
Sighs and closes his eyes, and falls asleep knowing he is loved .

The following afternoon in the pub, the countdown to new year starts. 10...9....8...7...6...5...4...3....2...1..
And Robert's mouth naturally finds Aaron's. When they break apart, they whisper 'I love you' followed by 'Happy New Year!!'
Robert realises that he couldn't be happier to be going into the new year with Aaron, Liv and expecting a baby. For the first time in his life, he has a family and he loves them .

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