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It was the last day of their honeymoon, the 21st day of peace. Thats when it happened. Aaron woke up and rolled over to cuddle Robert, and hopefully go back to sleep, because it was still very early. But when he opened his eyes, the bed was empty beside him.  He sat up, rubbing his bleary eyes. He could hear retching from the bathroom and races in. Robert is hunched over the toilet, violently throwing up. Aaron came over and rubbed his back, while Robert cuddled into him 'whats wrong Rob? Were you feeling okay last night?' Robert nodded 'Its just come on suddenly. I feel much better. Thanks babe. Lets go back to bed.' Aaron led Robert back to bed and tucked him in. He then crawled in beside him. After about 30 mins of sleep, he's woken up by Robert sitting up, shaking. He looks up to see Robert crying. 'Hey babe, whats up?' He asks. Robert hesitates but says ' I've had this before, Aaron. I know what it is. I'm so sorry' Aaron looks confused but he just pulls Robert closer and encourages him to tell the rest of the story. 'I got it about 4 weeks after I slept with a man. I went to yhe doctor... he told me... Aaron, he told me I was pregnant.' Aaron felt the shock take over his body. He looks at Robert and says 'So... you think you're pregnant? How would you feel about that?' 'I don't know, Aaron. I lost the last baby, so its kind of terrifying' 'Right, first of all, we dont know that you definitely are. Secondly, don't be afraid, i'll be with you every step of the way. And lastly, i want you to explain how it's possible. Can you do that?'
Robert nodded, and he poured his heart out to Aaron. His mother told him when he was a teenager that he had been born with a birth defect, he had a uterus. He's been to numerous doctors appointments - they all said the same thing. He could only get pregnant once. After he lost the first baby, he had thought it couldn't happen again. He cried through the whole story. Aaron laid them both down and put the covers over them. 'Babe, listen to me. You're amazing. I love you. Now sleep, because we're flying home tonight, and you'll be exhausted. We'll book you a doctor's appointment.'  Robert gives him a watery smile and puts his head on Aarons chest, and falls asleep listening to his husbands heartbeat.

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